The Catalyst: Sparking Creative Transformation in Healthcare

Welcome to The Catalyst, the podcast where we explore creative ideas to spark innovation in an unhealthy healthcare system. Join your host Dr. Lara Salyer, a physician and mom of three, who suffered burnout, resigned and is re-imagining the way she practices medicine. After training with the Institute for Functional Medicine and Flow Research Collective, Lara now teaches patients and practitioners how to optimize flow to catalyze their own revolution in healing. Tune in for candid conversations with leading experts in conventional and holistic healthcare, who dare to believe a better future is possible for all of us. We’ll cover topics from organizational efficiency to creative technology to proven methods to think differently about the practice of independent medicine. Life is made up of tiny, catalytic moments of immense impact. When strung together, the transformation is magical. Join us, and let’s color outside the lines!

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27 minutes ago

“If you start to think of freedom as a state of mind, it has a whole different meaning in your body,” says Dr. Lara Salyer as she explores redefining freedom within the medical profession. Recounting her journey from burnout to a revitalized career, Dr. Salyer shares how she reshaped her definition of freedom to extend far beyond financial wealth, emphasizing autonomy, creativity, and personal well-being.
Dr. Salyer recalls the traditional motivations that draw many into medicine—job security and financial stability—and challenges these conventional markers of success. She shares stories from fellow healthcare professionals who found greater freedom through unexpected avenues: one found joy and a renewed sense of self in dance classes; another realized that reducing their workload enhanced their personal freedom; and a third embraced the simple choice of selecting their breakfast as a symbol of autonomy.
By encouraging her listeners to discard limiting beliefs of what freedom must look like, Dr. Salyer promotes a reimagined approach to medical careers that prioritizes personal values and well-being alongside professional achievements. Her message is clear: reevaluating your concept of freedom can lead to more rewarding and sustainable careers in healthcare.
• “Most of our conceptions around freedom, when you boil it down, it does pertain to financial wealth. And that's very narrow when you think about it.” (03:15 | Dr. Lara Salyer)
• “If we aren’t clear about what freedom means to us personally, we can run the risk of chasing after the wealthy dream of someone else. And that really isn't our unique definition of freedom.” (03:53 | Dr. Lara Salyer)
• “Freedom has a larger definition when you strip away just the end results of finances. If you start to think of freedom as a state of mind, it has a whole different meaning in your body.” (05:15 | Dr. Lara Salyer)
• “Freedom doesn’t just land on your lap, just like creativity doesn’t just land on your shoulder and inspire a book or a novel or an art project. You need to practice this muscle every day, the sixth vital sign of creativity. You need to look for opportunities to be playful and creative, just like you need to look for daily affirmations of freedom wherever it shows up in your life. You must initiate them. And the way I like to advise practitioners to look for ways of freedom is being mindful of how their body feels.” (06:18 | Dr. Lara Salyer) 
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TikTok: @Creativity.Doctor
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Friday Apr 26, 2024

What does “success” look like and who gets to decide? In this episode, Dr. Lara Salyer explores how customized success metrics can revolutionize the patient and physician’s work together.
Dr. Salyer recounts a mentoring session with a healthcare practitioner who is developing a program for patient education but feels it may not be comprehensive enough. This story highlights the practitioner’s hesitation, rooted in a fear of success and the responsibilities and criticisms that come with it. Dr. Salyer reintroduces the “WARM” method—Who, Aim low, Reason, and Messy—as a tool to combat self-sabotage and encourage taking action, even if it's not perfect.
This episode also addresses the challenge of measuring transformation in functional medicine, where data is not always the best indicator of success. Dr. Salyer advocates for self-measured metrics that capture the patient's emotional and holistic health changes. She outlines steps to create these metrics, including formulating questions, establishing a scoring system, and streamlining the process, recommending the use of a simple Google document to keep things straightforward and efficient.
Highlighting her CME course that adopts a similar approach to foster creativity and prevent burnout among healthcare professionals, Dr. Salyer encourages listeners to create their own metrics and to revise them as needed, based on patient feedback and changes in practice focus.
• “The closer we get to success, we self-sabotage. It happens all the time. It still happens to me. Everybody does this. Success brings upon new responsibilities and almost a fear that we become aware of as we get closer to completing something. Once we check that box that it's completed, now we've left ourselves out in the open for criticism. And I think that really sits very difficult with a lot of us.” (03:32 | Dr. Lara Salyer)
• “We can measure all sorts of data in your body, but in my opinion, that is not a true measure of transformation. What I'm looking for is body transformation—emotional, mind and soul transformation. And we cannot know how a patient feels. Only a patient knows this. So these self-measured metrics are my favorite to use.” (09:00 | Dr. Lara Salyer) 
• “Make sure as you're designing your metric that you include questions that you will usually strategically teach on.” (16:22  | Dr. Lara Salyer)
• “When you start sensing that you're getting closer to success and you need just a few more things, ask yourself, 'Do I really?' 'Who's talking to me?' 'Who am I comparing myself to?' 'Do I have enough here to get going?' You probably do. And this is your pep talk to get going. Put it out there. The only way you can adjust is by putting it out there, even if it's imperfect. And then reiterating on that. That is the key. And then secondly, remember, use metrics. Create your own. And that can measure your own transformation in patients. Have fun with it.” (17:21  | Dr. Lara Salyer) 
Catalyst Archetype Quiz:
CME Course:
Connect with Lara: 
The Catalyst Way:
Instagram: @drlarasalyer
TikTok: @Creativity.Doctor
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Don’t Dance in Danskos

Friday Apr 19, 2024

Friday Apr 19, 2024

Finding your tribe and embracing change can enrich personal growth and lead to fulfilling life changes. In this “Friends & Family” series opener, Dr. Lara Salyer sits down with her longtime friend Jill Pyrz, mixing humor with raw truths as they look back on the moments that defined their friendship. They reflect on shared challenges in the healthcare industry and personal ventures that tested their resilience and determination.
Jill's career, spanning diverse roles from the office of a university president to various entrepreneurial endeavors, highlights her passion for people’s stories. Whether involved in a state production called “That's What She Said” or penning stories as a newspaper journalist for the News-Gazette, Jill's experiences prove the importance of community and authentic connection at every phase of life.
This episode touches on the challenges and rewards of starting new projects and businesses, with Jill offering advice on recognizing one's limitations and the crucial role of a supportive team to complement one's strengths. A humorous anecdote from a night out dancing, where Jill questions Dr. Salyer's choice of Dansko shoes, reminds us of the importance of having people in our lives who will tell us the hard truths.
Dr. Salyer and Jill explore themes of personal growth, the enduring bond of friendship, and the courage to pursue one's passions. They encourage listeners to find their tribe, ask for honest feedback, and be willing to take risks in pursuit of a fulfilling and creative life. 
• “I get really passionate about things, and when I learn about something, I go deep. I read every book I can possibly read, and I try to live my life to whatever I'm learning.” (07:58 | Jill Pyrz)
• “For me to do my best work, I have to feel passionate about it.” (15:49 | Jill Pyrz)
• “Now that I yearn for deeper relationships and deeper conversations, it makes it a lot easier to interview someone and get to know them. It provides a structure to the relationship that I'm much more comfortable with. Writing, for me, is actually the same job as being the production person for 'That's What She Said,' because you're just getting to know people. Instead of providing a stage for their story, I'm just writing it on paper. So it's the same exact thing. And what it really comes down to is that I'm really fascinated and just in love with people's stories.” (18:57 | Jill Pyrz) 
• “It's not just finding a match in terms of having a good business partner, because you don't necessarily have to have a partner, but you have to have a team of people and you have to be able to ask for help and not be afraid to show that you have no idea what you're doing in a way.” (23:51 | Jill Pyrz)
• “Have people in your life that will tell you things that are hard to hear.” (27:10 | Jill Pyrz) 
Archetype Quiz:
News Gazette:
Connect with Lara: 
The Catalyst Way:
Instagram: @drlarasalyer
TikTok: @Creativity.Doctor
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Friday Apr 12, 2024

How does one unlock a focused and stress-free mind? Dr. Lara Salyer sits down with Dr. Romie Mushtaq, a neurologist turned wellness pioneer, who brings a wealth of experience from her journey through medicine, corporate wellness, and mindfulness practice. As the author of “The Busy Brain Cure” and a recognized leader in the field of integrative medicine, Dr. Mushtaq sheds light on the epidemic of "busy brain syndrome"—a cluster of symptoms including difficulty focusing, anxiety, and insomnia, which she attributes to chronic stress and neuroinflammation.
Dr. Mushtaq introduces her “brain shift protocol,” an eight-week program aimed at breaking the stimulant-sedative cycle trapping many adults in reliance on caffeine, alcohol, or prescription medications for energy and stress management. The protocol provides practical strategies to help individuals regain control of their mental well-being without depending on substances or undergoing major lifestyle changes.
The episode also tackles broader systemic issues contributing to physician burnout, such as the burdens of electronic health records and the relentless pressure to meet productivity targets. Dr. Salyer and Dr. Mushtaq highlight the importance of leadership that prioritizes compassion, mindfulness, and effective communication as tools for creating a more sustainable and joyful practice environment.
• "We doctors have added to the complex mental health problems. We all know about the opioid crisis. But there's another one that we've been ignoring. And I call that the stimulant sedative cycle. It's that in the West, in order to show up as a professional, whether you're a doctor or the high performing leaders I work with for a living, or just a human, it's like in order to have energy all day, I need to be caffeinated. And in order to forget work, or take the edge off, I need alcohol or some other sedative at night. And when that fails, what do doctors do? We have an ADHD crisis in adults today." (25:54 | Dr. Mushtaq) 
• "There's a pattern of neuroinflammation that isn't discussed in the mindfulness, emotional resilience literature where you learn about the limbic system. It's the chronic neuroinflammation that is happening in the hypothalamus that's disrupting the circadian rhythm and causing a downstream effect in the brain, mental health, and body. And this is what I call the busy brain." (28:37 | Dr. Mushtaq) 
• "We came up with the eight-week brain shift protocol to help people find focus, tame anxiety, and sleep again, essentially to heal the burnout and restore their circadian rhythm." (29:45 | Dr. Mushtaq) 
• "Do not feel hopeless that you can't change the system. You could save one colleague's life by just saying, "Hey, Lara, it's me, Romy. Are you okay? I want you to know I'm here without judgment and you're not alone." Just to say I am here and you're not alone is making an impact in the medical system." (34:46 | Dr. Mushtaq)
Connect with Dr. Romie Mushtaq:
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The Catalyst Way:
Instagram: @drlarasalyer
TikTok: @Creativity.Doctor
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Friday Apr 05, 2024

Pediatrics is evolving and Dr. Ellie MacGregor is at the forefront of this change, integrating functional medicine and holistic wellness practices into child care. Alongside host Dr. Lara Salyer, they explore the critical role of the vagal nerve in children's health, discussing its impact on conditions such as anxiety, depression, and ADD. 
After recognizing the limitations of conventional methods in addressing the root causes of health issues, Dr. Ellie transitioned from traditional pediatrics to an integrative approach. Her relocation from California to North Carolina marked the beginning of a new chapter in her career, where she established a practice dedicated to providing holistic care. This care focuses on uncovering and treating underlying problems, which are often traced back to early life experiences.
Addressing broader challenges within the healthcare system, Dr. Ellie discusses physician burnout and the necessity of extending patient visit durations to ensure comprehensive care. The conversation also highlights the importance of play in child development and the recovery phase of the brain's flow cycle, advocating for increased unstructured playtime. 
This episode makes a compelling case for the integration of holistic health principles into medical education, suggesting that such an integration could bridge the gap between conventional and integrative medicine, mitigate misconceptions, and foster wellness among physicians.
• "I'm extremely passionate about treating ADHD, anxiety, and depression from a functional medicine perspective because of a few things. In functional integrative medicine, there's so much that we can do for kids in those areas. And ranging from lifestyle to supplements to advanced diagnostic testing, we don't always have to rush to medication necessarily or if your child is on medication, there may be a way to reduce those medications." (06:05 | Dr. Ellie MacGregor) 
• "I'm not disparaging sports at all, but it doesn't give the opportunity for the brain to relax, be bored, or be creative as much as if you're just kind of out in nature, digging in the dirt, playing in the sand, climbing a tree. So those are some really nice ways to go about kind of resetting the vagal nerve at a young age." (11:06 | Dr. Ellie MacGregor)
• "There can be tension between holistic practitioners and conventional medicine and I think that may come from some sort of fear. That fear may come from a lack of understanding or lack of education around the modalities." (25:09 | Dr. Ellie MacGregor) 
• "We need to be able to get back to that route of actually healing patients by allotting the time that physicians need to do the work and also to recover from the work such that they can come back in their full capacity to do the work again as their best selves." (28:02 | Dr. Ellie MacGregor)
Connect with Dr. Ellie MacGregor:
Guide to Brain Health Through Gut Health:
Facebook: Middle Path Integrative Pediatrics
Connect with Dr. Salyer: 
The Catalyst Way:
Instagram: @drlarasalyer
TikTok: @Creativity.Doctor
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Friday Mar 29, 2024

Feeling stuck is a condition often rooted in fear, “inertia,” and a lack of support. Host Dr. Lara Salyer explores the concept of inertia, its complexities, and how it can hinder progress in various aspects of life, especially in healthcare. Drawing from personal experiences, Dr. Lara will guide you on how to overcome inertia using a method she calls “W.A.R.M.”
The W.A.R.M. method—”Who Dis,” “Aim Low,” “Reason Why,” and “Messy Moves the Needle”—offers a new perspective on overcoming the inertia that often afflicts individuals. Through sharing personal stories from her life and her mentoring sessions, Dr. Lara demonstrates the relatability and applicability of the W.A.R.M. method. She recounts a moment of self-doubt while preparing for a workshop and how applying the method helped her move past the hurdle, serving as a testament to the method's effectiveness.
This episode of The Catalyst is a call to embrace self-reflection, set realistic goals, and accept that imperfect action is still progress. It encourages listeners to confront their fears, seek support, and concentrate on the underlying reasons for their aspirations.
• "You need action to make motivation happen." (08:32 | Dr. Lara Salyer) 
• "Negative self-talk, fear of judgment, and plain old procrastination. Those are the top three most likely self-sabotaging mechanisms that I see in my practice. And this is detrimental because the more we practice those thought loops of self-sabotage, it really breaks down our mental health. It also breaks down our well-being and our feeling of self-efficacy. We start to feel more trapped." (11:59 | Dr. Lara Salyer)
• "When you find yourself stuck, first of all, you have to recognize that, which can be hard. And that's why a good mentor or a good practitioner that helps you with lifestyle changes, you need a third party to look at your life and assess." (15:51 | Dr. Lara Salyer) 
• "Take imperfect action. Just move, just get off the couch, stumble to the kitchen, whatever it is, put your shoes on, left shoe on the right foot does not mean take imperfect action, recognize that your progress comes from just moving in a messy way. Nothing says that you have to be perfect right outside the gate or ever." (19:54 | Dr. Lara Salyer)
• "Next time you're feeling inertia, remember, W.A.R.M. Warm yourself up. Take it off the couch. Ask, who's this? Aim low. Reason why. And messy moves the needle. Challenge those thoughts. Remember that motivation doesn't come from inaction. It's so much more comfortable to blame or point fingers or sit on the couch and consume, get another certification, another degree, or consume TikTok or social media and just sort of dissociate from life. Jump back in it. Get warm. Remind yourself of the why." (23:30 | Dr. Lara Salyer) 
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The Catalyst Way:
Instagram: @drlarasalyer
TikTok: @Creativity.Doctor
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Friday Mar 22, 2024

Technology is empowering healthcare providers to do two crucial tasks at one time - document clinical conversations in an accurate and structured way and simultaneously provide attentive patient interactions. CEO Erez Druk and Dr. Gabi Meckler, a husband and wife duo, discuss how they have developed an innovative solution to one of healthcare's most demanding tasks: charting.
It began with Erez, a software engineer, asking Gabi, a family medicine resident overwhelmed with paperwork, a simple question: “What can I do to make your life better?” Dr. Gabi expressed her wish to delegate her note-taking tasks. Their conversation led to the creation of Freed: an AI-powered medical scribe designed to transform clinician-patient conversations into comprehensive notes. Its aim is to free medical practitioners from the burden of tedious administrative duties, enabling them to focus more on patient interactions and less on paperwork.
Throughout the conversation, Erez and Dr. Gabi discuss the unique capabilities of Freed. The tool boasts multilingual support, converting varied conversations into structured SOAP (subjective, objective, assessment and plan) notes to document patient encounters. Looking ahead, Dr. Gabi expresses hope that the tool will eventually manage tasks such as interpreting difficult-to-read scanned documents and placing orders directly within the EHR. Erez adds that their goal is to develop a comprehensive clinician assistant capable of providing instant, intelligent access to patient information, making pre-charting more efficient.
Listeners are encouraged to take advantage of a special offer to try Freed at a discounted rate and see the benefits for themselves. Dr. Lara suggests providing feedback to help refine the tool further, emphasizing Freed's mission to alleviate burnout among healthcare professionals.
• "Unfortunately, clinicians have so many problems across the workflow. I think charting is one painful sliver of that. So we really want to cover all of it to the extent that that burden goes away and hopefully burnout goes away as a result. So really what we're trying to build is a full-fledged clinician assistant. To be very specific, the main thing I want us to achieve and we're working on right now, is pre-charting. We want you to have a rich view of your patient, you know, all the information is there, but also useful.” (13:11 | Erez Druk) 
• "The future, I believe, with AI, will make us all fall in love with medicine again." (15:14 | Dr. Lara Salyer)
• "What we're building now are not templates, but a way for Freed to learn. So every time you edit or change a note, Freed becomes more like your person, like a human scribe would do. So that's something we launched recently and it shows a lot of promise, people falling in love with Freed becoming their own personal scribe." (19:02 | Erez Druk)
• "I think Freed is there to help with all your patient encounters, but I don't think it's ever going to be able to do anything like what we do. I think it's just going to be an assistant, but it's never going to make decisions, clinical decisions. It's never going to interact with the patient in a way that makes a connection. All those things, I'm still going to use my doctor brain. Or if it's not a doctor, any clinician will be able to use their brain. So that's what I think it won't be able to do, is replace me." (23:55 | Dr. Gabi Meckler)
• "The special thing about Freed is that it's by clinicians. It's truly in the DNA of the company and that's the one thing I would never want us to lose." (33:13 | Erez Druk) 
GetFreed link:
Use coupon code: CATALYST to get $50 off first month subscription
Connect with Lara: 
The Catalyst Way:
Instagram: @drlarasalyer
TikTok: @Creativity.Doctor
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Friday Mar 15, 2024

Here's a secret that could save you hours, energy, and money: In this episode of The Catalyst, Dr. Lara Salyer shares a valuable insight on personal investment—a practical solution for managing your workload more efficiently. 
Inspired by a transformative story from her Catalyst Studio mentorship, she highlights how a mentee changed the way she handled her business tasks by adopting a system that suited her needs. This change led to the development of clear, actionable steps, demonstrating how organizing thoughts effectively can cut through the overwhelm.
Listeners explore different tools for organizing thoughts, ranging from paper-based options like bullet journals and sticky notes to digital solutions such as apps and online calendars. Dr. Lara shares insights on how these methods have streamlined the management of her own projects and tasks, offering listeners straightforward strategies to incorporate into their lives. She also highlights the financial benefit of adopting these organizational skills, potentially saving $7,200. This emphasizes the value of efficient thought organization beyond just time and energy.
As an advocate for journaling thoughts everyday, Dr. Lara motivates listeners to adopt these organizational strategies in their daily routines, aiming to foster innovation and job satisfaction. It positions better organization as a catalyst for professional development and growth.
• "There's a huge benefit to unloading your thoughts onto paper or onto something, some kind of container that is not up here. Even if you know, oh, I just have to do these three things today, or I have to do this in the next quarter, or these are the things I'm looking at for my business. You might keep it up here, but you're taxing your brain by keeping it in your working memory. There's so many studies that show if you can just dump it out where it's visible, it immediately feels less overwhelming because you can visually see the tasks." (03:57 | Dr. Lara Salyer) 
• "Sometimes we're not even aware of the many tools available to us to help us with that cognitive drain of keeping things in our working memory. So think of paper items like a bullet journal, a planner, a notebook. Think of post-it notes. " (05:33 | | Dr. Lara Salyer)
• "It doesn't matter how much money you save. It's priceless to find your own system of organizing your thoughts and putting them down and finding a container. Whether it's paper or digital or both." (13:56 | Dr. Lara Salyer)
• "We really all deserve to express ourselves in our career, in our work life masterpiece. So save yourself some angst, some time, some money and energy and do that one thing with wonderful zealousness every day, writing your thoughts out, organizing them or the post-its. That's my favorite. I promise you will be changed if you start picking up this habit every day." (15:00 | Dr. Lara Salyer)
Episode Links: Archetype Quiz:
Commit30 Planner:
Right Brain Rescue memoir:
Brainstorm Session:
Connect with Lara: 
The Catalyst Way:
Instagram: @drlarasalyer
TikTok: @Creativity.Doctor
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Friday Mar 08, 2024

Healthcare practices are ready for innovative solutions with modern technology paving the way forward. Host Dr. Lara Salyer delves into how holistic practices can benefit from smarter, technology-driven solutions with Kristen Ford, CEO and co-founder of Holistic Office. Kristen, with her solid background in finance, accounting, and operations, brings critical insights to the table for any independent medical practice looking to evolve.
Their conversation centers around  “My Holistic Office," an app designed by Kristen to meet the specific needs of holistic healthcare practitioners. Drawing from her extensive experience, Ford developed this Electronic Medical Record system to help practices manage their operations seamlessly, while staying true to their holistic roots. From inventory management to scheduling, each feature is designed to simplify the day-to-day operations.
Kristen and Dr. Lara tackle the practicalities of integrating new technology into existing practices by pointing out the straightforward setup and personalized onboarding support that My Holistic Office offers. The system's integration with Zoom for telehealth sessions, Rupa Health for lab integration, and the newly added payment processing are highlighted as key benefits. Looking ahead, Kristen expressed enthusiasm for incorporating artificial intelligence to further ease practice management as Dr. Lara shares her hopes for features that could improve patient communication and help manage expectations.
• "I could have built an app for accounting professionals, for finance professionals, for operations professionals, but I really chose the folks who I feel are making the biggest difference in the world. And I mean that sincerely because it's been a big difference for me personally and for my family working with holistic healthcare providers. And I just wanted to support them because I know what it's like to run a small business." (04:50 | Kristen Ford) 
• "What I try to do with Holistic Office is to, first of all, make it really easy to use. I feel like if you didn't have to be searching around to do basic things like find a patient, I'm not doing my job, you know. And so I really am trying to bring as many of the facets of running a practice under one umbrella that are easy to use." (07:54 | Kristen Ford) 
• “With some of the older EHRs, it is a big deal to take old technology and completely bring it up to today's standards.” (15:49 | Kristen Ford)
• "Our app’s dashboard is designed to be kind of an all-in-one glance at what's going on in your world today. So any tasks that are outstanding are right there. Your schedule for today is right there. And then very easy to see boxes where it's like, here's patients, here's my products, here's the forms, here's reports, so that you can very easily start working on your day. There's no searching." (20:38 | Kristen Ford)
• "I think incorporating AI is definitely at the top of the list because it can do so many things." (26:36 | Kristen Ford)
• "Medicine has changed in my mind because it's not just conventional or allopathic. You can heal from so many different places. And I think that's where we're all trying to show patients that there are many ways to peel that orange, right? And you don't need to get your healing inside an exam room and the one-on-one visit." (33:07 | Lara Salyer) 
• "When people want you, they will pay for your services, they will be there, they will make time for it, and they will prioritize that healing. And that's not to shame the other patients that are busy and have other things they're doing, but that's okay, too. You know, you do what you can. And providing that ecosystem of support is what it's all about." (37:08 | Lara Salyer)
Connect with Kristen Ford:
Connect with Lara: 
The Catalyst Way:
Instagram: @drlarasalyer
TikTok: @Creativity.Doctor
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Friday Mar 01, 2024

"What's your experience with gratitude? Do you write thank you letters? Do you know this emotion?" These probing questions from Dr. Michelle Flowers, a board-certified psychiatrist and guest on The Catalyst Podcast, open a fascinating dialogue on the transformative role of gratitude in healthcare. Host Dr. Lara Salyer sets the stage for a deep dive into how this profound emotion can spark innovation and foster positive change within the healthcare landscape.
Dr. Flowers, an advocate for the therapeutic power of gratitude, shares the "NOW" technique, her unique approach to cultivating gratitude among both children and adults. This method encourages individuals to Nurture themselves, Observe their environment, and embrace Wonder, fostering a daily practice of gratitude. The discussion explores the neuroscience underpinning gratitude, with a focus on the limbic system's role in emotion regulation and how sensory experiences can amplify our feelings of gratefulness.
Throughout the episode, Dr. Salyer and Dr. Flowers offer creative strategies for integrating gratitude into everyday life. They discuss engaging in hands-on activities like puzzles or art to stay present and grounded, and the significance of small acts of gratitude, such as penning thank-you notes or pausing to reflect on daily moments of joy.  Dr. Salyer and Dr. Flowers emphasize that acknowledging the little joys and embracing gratitude can be a catalyst for positive change, enhancing personal well-being and inspiring innovation in healthcare practices.
• “Gratefulness includes the fullness that you experience when you're in a true state of gratitude and it's sort of joy meets appreciation.” (9:32 | Dr. Michelle Flowers) 
• “The human brain is automatically default set to hold on to negative experiences. That doesn't serve us well in our modern era because we're mostly safe. And we're holding on to these many negativities that are affecting our nervous system and we have record rates of depression and anxiety. And so what is that? You know there's something going on.” (23:43 | Dr. Michelle Flowers)
• “Sadly, a lot of times as physicians, we bought into this model of illness instead of wellness. And I, you know, this has been a gradual journey for me, but at one point I looked at the questionnaires I was giving patients and it's like, you know, I'm disinterested, I feel bad, I have suicidal thoughts, I'm anxious, you know, and I'm giving them all these questions, planting all these thoughts. I was like, where are the well-being questions? So now I have a longer well-being questionnaire, which is I feel optimistic about the future, you know, I have quality relationships. And again, I want them finishing with those thoughts planted in their head as well. And just like you said, yeah, if you focus on pain, we're going to find people to focus on that. Everyone has pain. If you focus on creativity, you're going to find that, too. Yes. Oh, I love this.” (24:57 | Michelle Flowers, M.D.)
• “Start with just before you go to sleep at night, reflecting back on your day and trying to find the best part or the least worst part, if that's where you're at right now.” (32:02 | Dr. Michelle Flowers)
Book references:
The Gratitude Project by Jeremy Adam Smith
Thanks A Thousand by AJ Jacobs
Connect with Michelle Flowers:
Instagram: @bewellmichellemd
Connect with Lara: 
The Catalyst Way:
Instagram: @drlarasalyer
TikTok: @Creativity.Doctor
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