The Balanced Mom Method | Inner Self Healing, Intuitive Guidance, Mindfulness, Intentional Living, Connection, Self Love, Self Trust, Habits

Are you a mom on the brink of burnout, struggling with overwhelm, anxiety, and unrealistic expectations - yet have a hard time letting go? Do you feel like you’re losing yourself a little more every day, trapped in a cycle of self-doubt, minimal self-worth, and guilt - yet are still allowing external pressures dictate your life? … and the unpredictability of motherhood just isn’t helping in trying to make a change? Welcome to your safe space where Jenna, your host and guiding light through motherhood and mindful living, helps you wake up from autopilot, reclaim your power, and deepen your self love, trust, and inner connection… - to help you overcome your mental and emotional ties to stress and overwhelm, - to get your confidence, good mood, and energy back, - and to feel an expansive sense of peace, presence, and balance in life. As a fellow mom who understands the challenging path of motherhood, she’s dedicated her life to thinking differently, connecting to her true self, embracing self-love and self-trust, and helping other moms heal from the inside out to break free from their survival mode cycles. Her holistic approach guides you on an awakening journey to expand your conscious awareness, enabling you to truly wake up and love yourself again. Whether you’re seeking to slow down, overcome mom guilt, find peace, or embark on a spiritual awakening, The Balanced Mom Method is your space to lean in, learn, and transform. Join Jenna as she explores foundational root work, inner self connection, outer self habits, intentional mindful living, and the fascinating world of science and energy healing to help you in your breakthrough toward inner self healing. Discover practical strategies, mindful rituals, the profound power of self-love and self-trust, and real-life stories of transformation that will inspire you to reshape your perspective and bring joy, peace, presence, and empowerment to your daily life. If you’re ready to embrace your worth, trust your inner guidance, and feel connected to yourself on a love-rooted level, Jenna is here to help you discover the power within you. Take her hand and rewrite your story of motherhood together. Subscribe now and start your path towards a more fulfilling and harmonious life. It all starts within. ———— Connect: Community: Social: Free Resources: Work with Me: FREE MINI COURSE: Find Yourself Again In Motherhood:

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2 days ago

In this empowering episode, Monique Bathis, a Registered Music Therapist and Women’s Mentor, shares her personal narrative of transformation, from navigating the waves of separation to reclaiming her identity as a woman and mother.
With a compassionate understanding of the challenges faced by modern mothers, Monique shares practical insights on overcoming the barriers of time and energy, reducing stress, and embracing self-care. Through creative expression and embodied practices, she guides listeners towards a deeper connection with themselves, paving the way for greater joy and fulfillment in both motherhood and womanhood. 
Discover how small, intentional acts of self-devotion can lead to profound changes in all aspects of life. 
Episode Highlights:
- The journey from living in your head to embodying your true self
- Creative methods to navigate and transmute emotions through movement and music
- Debunking the myth of 'not enough time' and redefining self-care practices
- Shifting from self-critique to self-compassion and cultivating a devotion to personal well-being
Monique's empowering mantras and her unique approach to using music as a healing tool will inspire you to embrace your voice, your worth, and your capacity for joy.
I pray this episode will grow and help you in some way. Sending my love and light,
Mentioned in the show:
Where to find Monique:
The Thriving Mother Community (FREE):
Podcast: Beyond Motherhood (available on Spotify and Apple)
P.S. As we prepare to say goodbye to our cherished Balanced Mom Method online course, don't miss out on the opportunity to join for only $33 before it retires at the end of May 2024. 
Embrace this chance to transform your life and step into your power.
P.P.S. Let's embark on a journey of learning your energy of alignment together. I'm here to guide you towards deepening your self-love, building unshakable self-trust, and nurturing inner connection. Embrace the freedom of being who you are meant to be, and watch as the world opens up to you in ways you never imagined. Start here:
Step 1. FREE email mini course: 5 Days to Finding Yourself Again in Motherhood
Step 2. Join our FREE Motherhood Empowerment Circle for support, advice, lifelong relationships, freebies galore, and first to know access!
Step 3. Start Here with ways to connect with me, grab free resources, or work with me:
Contact me directly: 
~ L&L, J
IMPORTANT NOTE: The Balanced Mom Method podcast and Naturally Empowered Living LLC is intended to empower, inspire, and support you on your personal journey toward inner peace and connection. This podcast is created to provide motivation to its listeners with the understanding that the host, Jenna Smith, does not offer any type of psychological, medical, mental, emotional, legal, religious, or any other kind of professional health or medical advice, nor prescribe the use of any technique or practice as a form of treatment.
Every ​​subject matter discussed is dealt with in a compassionate, empathetic, and respectful manner, however it is understood that there may be topics that are troubling for some listeners. Discretion is advised. If you are suffering from any psychological or medical condition, please seek help from a certified health professional.

Monday May 13, 2024

To continue where we left off last week, let’s dive into the true essence of manifestation, far beyond the conventional visualization techniques and goal setting.
Let’s unravel the threads of inner resistance, discernment, and the powerful practice of coming home to yourself. Learn how to listen to your body's cues, trust your intuition, and honor your needs to pave the way for a life that resonates with your true calling. And discover the power of reflecting on past experiences where traditional manifestation techniques may fall short and explore the nuanced reasons behind why. 
Episode Highlights:
- The pitfalls of forced manifestation and the power of true alignment
- Understanding the role of meditation, prayer, and other modalities in self-awareness
- The significance of honoring and responding to your body's signals
- Embracing the simplicity of living aligned with your innate nature
- The natural healing power of the body and the need to listen within
- Special farewell offer for the Balanced Mom Method course
Tune in for guidance on finding your unique modality for manifesting and embracing your energy of alignment.
I pray this episode will grow and help you in some way. Sending my love and light,
Mentioned in the show:
As a special farewell to our beloved Balanced Mom Method online course, we're offering a staggering 90% discount to empower as many moms as possible before it retires at the end of May 2024. This foundational course has transformed lives by focusing on mindset, health, and time management habits, and now we're evolving to bring you even deeper into your journey of self-discovery.
P.S. Let's embark on a journey of learning your energy of alignment together. I'm here to guide you towards deepening your self-love, building unshakable self-trust, and nurturing inner connection. Embrace the freedom of being who you are meant to be, and watch as the world opens up to you in ways you never imagined. Start here:
Step 1. FREE email mini course: 5 Days to Finding Yourself Again in Motherhood
Step 2. Join our FREE Motherhood Empowerment Circle for support, advice, lifelong relationships, freebies galore, and first to know access!
Step 3. Start Here with ways to connect with me, grab free resources, or work with me:
Contact me directly: 
~ L&L, J
IMPORTANT NOTE: The Balanced Mom Method podcast and Naturally Empowered Living LLC is intended to empower, inspire, and support you on your personal journey toward inner peace and connection. This podcast is created to provide motivation to its listeners with the understanding that the host, Jenna Smith, does not offer any type of psychological, medical, mental, emotional, legal, religious, or any other kind of professional health or medical advice, nor prescribe the use of any technique or practice as a form of treatment.
Every ​​subject matter discussed is dealt with in a compassionate, empathetic, and respectful manner, however it is understood that there may be topics that are troubling for some listeners. Discretion is advised. If you are suffering from any psychological or medical condition, please seek help from a certified health professional.

Monday May 06, 2024

In this two-part series, we dive into the complex relationship between manifestation, energetics, and religion. I ‘challenge’ the rampant use of manifestation as a buzzword, emphasizing its deeper significance beyond trendy terminology. We chat about the intersection of spirituality and manifestation, debunk misconceptions and fears surrounding religious beliefs, and highlight the importance of aligning intentions with divine will or personal truth - regardless of the terminology used. Manifestation isn't about doing it "wrong," but rather about clearing obstacles to align with your destined path. 
Join us as we explore the often misunderstood world of manifestation from a perspective that honors both spiritual and scientific viewpoints. Whether you're grounded in religious faith or seeking a secular path to personal growth, this episode offers a refreshing take on aligning your intentions with your deepest desires and life's blueprint.
Episode Highlights:
- Understanding manifestation in harmony with religious beliefs
- Debunking the myth of "manifesting wrong"
- The power of energetics and aligning with your destined path
- Embracing your free will to navigate towards God's will or your highest good
This episode encourages you to engage in introspection and dialogue, offering insights for those seeking to deepen their spiritual journey. 
I pray this episode will grow and help you in some way. Sending my love and light,
Mentioned in the show:
1:1 Energy Healing Session: 
P.S. Let's embark on a journey of learning your energy of alignment together. I'm here to guide you towards deepening your self-love, building unshakable self-trust, and nurturing inner connection. Embrace the freedom of being who you are meant to be, and watch as the world opens up to you in ways you never imagined. Start here:
Step 1. FREE email mini course: 5 Days to Finding Yourself Again in Motherhood
Step 2. Join our FREE Motherhood Empowerment Circle for support, advice, lifelong relationships, freebies galore, and first to know access!
Step 3. Start Here with ways to connect with me, grab free resources, or work with me:
Contact me directly: 
~ L&L, J
IMPORTANT NOTE: The Balanced Mom Method podcast and Naturally Empowered Living LLC is intended to empower, inspire, and support you on your personal journey toward inner peace and connection. This podcast is created to provide motivation to its listeners with the understanding that the host, Jenna Smith, does not offer any type of psychological, medical, mental, emotional, legal, religious, or any other kind of professional health or medical advice, nor prescribe the use of any technique or practice as a form of treatment.
Every ​​subject matter discussed is dealt with in a compassionate, empathetic, and respectful manner, however it is understood that there may be topics that are troubling for some listeners. Discretion is advised. If you are suffering from any psychological or medical condition, please seek help from a certified health professional.

Monday Apr 29, 2024

If you're a mom struggling to find your footing amidst the chaos, yearning for moments of tranquility, and seeking to reclaim your identity beyond the title of 'mom', this episode is a gentle reminder that your well-being is the cornerstone of a harmonious family life.
We welcome Liz Kent, a therapist and coach, who sheds light on the silent burden of maternal mental health and the invisible weight of the mental load. Liz's dedication to helping moms navigate the tides of resentment, enhance communication, and forge deeper connections with their families is a beacon of hope for those feeling lost in the sea of motherly duties.
As Liz shares her personal experiences and professional insights, you'll learn practical strategies on breathwork, your thought life, and practices like progressive muscle relaxation. This episode is a testament to the power of the courage to advocate for both your needs and those of your family. 
Episode Highlights:
- Tackling the challenges of maternal mental health
- Strategies for managing stress and overstimulation
- The importance of self-care and setting boundaries
- Effective communication with partners and children
- Trusting your intuition and the power of advocacy
I pray this episode will grow and help you in some way. Sending my love and light,
Mentioned in the show:
Where to find Liz Kent and Perissos Therapy:
P.S. If you found a moment of solace or a spark of inspiration in this episode, please leave us a review and share with another mom who could use a reminder of her strength. Together, let's lift each other up and navigate the complexities of motherhood with grace and resilience.
P.P.S. Let's embark on a journey of learning your energy of alignment together. I'm here to guide you towards deepening your self-love, building unshakable self-trust, and nurturing inner connection. It's time to reclaim your power and live a life filled with peace, presence, and balance. Start here:
Step 1. FREE email mini course: 5 Days to Finding Yourself Again in Motherhood
Step 2. Join our FREE Motherhood Empowerment Circle for support, advice, lifelong relationships, freebies galore, and first to know access!
Step 3. Start Here with ways to connect with me, grab free resources, or work with me:
Contact me directly: 
~ L&L, J
IMPORTANT NOTE: The Balanced Mom Method podcast and Naturally Empowered Living LLC is intended to empower, inspire, and support you on your personal journey toward inner peace and connection. This podcast is created to provide motivation to its listeners with the understanding that the host, Jenna Smith, does not offer any type of psychological, medical, mental, emotional, legal, religious, or any other kind of professional health or medical advice, nor prescribe the use of any technique or practice as a form of treatment.
Every ​​subject matter discussed is dealt with in a compassionate, empathetic, and respectful manner, however it is understood that there may be topics that are troubling for some listeners. Discretion is advised. If you are suffering from any psychological or medical condition, please seek help from a certified health professional.

Monday Apr 22, 2024

Let’s get to the heart of procrastination and discover the transformative power of understanding your inner workings on a whole new level. In this episode, we peel back the layers of our functional freeze states and habitual avoidance, exploring the intricate dance between our nervous system, energetic fields, and the relentless inner critic that often leads us astray. As mothers, our lives are a complex webbing of responsibilities, and sometimes, the weight of it all can paralyze us into inaction. But what if procrastination was more than just a lack of willpower? What if it was a cry for healing from deep within?
Join us as we venture beyond conventional productivity hacks and talk about the spiritual and energetic roots of procrastination. We'll examine the wounded energy fields that hold us back, the power of the solar plexus chakra in reclaiming our personal strength, and the transformative potential of calming our nervous system through meditation and breathwork. Whether you're stuck in a cycle of scrolling social media, caught in a vortex of negative self-talk, or simply struggling to take the next step towards your dreams, this episode offers a compassionate guide to breaking free and stepping into your power with five actionable ways to overcome procrastination!
I pray this episode will grow and help you in some way. Sending my love and light,
Mentioned in the show:
Clarity Call: 
1:1 Energy Healing Session:
Episode Chapters
- The difference between rest and procrastination
- Understanding the roots of procrastination
- Nervous System Regulation
- The energetics of procrastination and chakra alignment
- Five ways to overcome procrastination
- Invitation to schedule a clarity call and energy healing session
P.S. Let's embark on a journey of learning your energy of alignment together. I'm here to guide you towards deepening your self-love, building unshakable self-trust, and nurturing inner connection. Embrace the freedom of being who you are meant to be, and watch as the world opens up to you in ways you never imagined. Start here:
Step 1. FREE email mini course: 5 Days to Finding Yourself Again in Motherhood
Step 2. Join our FREE Motherhood Empowerment Circle for support, advice, lifelong relationships, freebies galore, and first to know access!
Step 3. Start Here with ways to connect with me, grab free resources, or work with me:
Contact me directly: 
~ L&L, J
IMPORTANT NOTE: The Balanced Mom Method podcast and Naturally Empowered Living LLC is intended to empower, inspire, and support you on your personal journey toward inner peace and connection. This podcast is created to provide motivation to its listeners with the understanding that the host, Jenna Smith, does not offer any type of psychological, medical, mental, emotional, legal, religious, or any other kind of professional health or medical advice, nor prescribe the use of any technique or practice as a form of treatment.
Every ​​subject matter discussed is dealt with in a compassionate, empathetic, and respectful manner, however it is understood that there may be topics that are troubling for some listeners. Discretion is advised. If you are suffering from any psychological or medical condition, please seek help from a certified health professional.

Monday Apr 15, 2024

Ready to explore the essence of being true to yourself amidst everything else pulling us away from our authentic selves? How do we navigate the path toward self-empowerment and sovereignty, free from external influences and judgments? As mothers, we often find ourselves tangled in the web of societal expectations, comparisons, and external pressures, and it's time to break free and discover the joy of being unapologetically you. 
In a world that constantly nudges us towards conformity, this episode is a gentle reminder that your unique path is not only valid but vital for the collective good. Learn to embody your values, embrace your desires, and radiate positivity that extends far beyond your own being. We dissect the art of authentic living. 
Through asking soul-identifying questions and the transformative practice of instinctive meditation, discover how to connect with your innate, true self, and let go of the noise that dims your inner light.
PLUS, a SPECIAL OFFER EXCLUSIVELY FOR LISTENERS to kickstart your journey towards authentic living. 
Remember, the world needs YOU, and your unique gifts are waiting to be unleashed.
I pray this episode will grow and help you in some way. Sending my love and light,
P.S. Don't forget to leave a review if this episode resonated with you, and share it with a fellow mom in need of a reminder that her authentic self is her greatest gift.
Mentioned in the show:
Schedule a FREE Clarity Call 
1:1 meditative energy healing: 
SPECIAL OFFER: Use code NELCOMMUNITY for 44% OFF ALL services at checkout
📋 Episode Chapters
(03:35) This podcast requires you to do the work.
(04:05) Earlier this week, I was on another business platform. I read something that sparked something in me
(04:59) Finding your authentic path helps the collective
(12:10) Two ways to connect with yourself, to connect to your innate self
(25:00) From a scientific standpoint
P.P.S. Let's embark on a journey of learning your energy of alignment together. I'm here to guide you towards deepening your self-love, building unshakable self-trust, and nurturing inner connection. Embrace the freedom of being who you are meant to be, and watch as the world opens up to you in ways you never imagined. Start here:
Step 1. FREE email mini course: 5 Days to Finding Yourself Again in Motherhood
Step 2. Join our FREE Motherhood Empowerment Circle for support, advice, lifelong relationships, freebies galore, and first to know access!
Step 3. Start Here with ways to connect with me, grab free resources, or work with me:
Contact me directly: 
~ L&L, J
IMPORTANT NOTE: The Balanced Mom Method podcast and Naturally Empowered Living LLC is intended to empower, inspire, and support you on your personal journey toward inner peace and connection. This podcast is created to provide motivation to its listeners with the understanding that the host, Jenna Smith, does not offer any type of psychological, medical, mental, emotional, legal, religious, or any other kind of professional health or medical advice, nor prescribe the use of any technique or practice as a form of treatment.
Every ​​subject matter discussed is dealt with in a compassionate, empathetic, and respectful manner, however it is understood that there may be topics that are troubling for some listeners. Discretion is advised. If you are suffering from any psychological or medical condition, please seek help from a certified health professional.

Monday Apr 08, 2024

Step into a realm where root cause work meets profound healing, as we explore the intricate dance between our subconscious minds and our authentic selves. In this transformative episode, we venture into the depths of our innermost beliefs with the guidance of Claire Uncapher, a coach in holistic healing and transformational change. With her background in clinical nursing, energy therapy, and transformational coaching, Claire shares her insights on the journey from the shadows of depression and anxiety to the liberation of self-healing.
Whether you're grappling with feelings of inadequacy, seeking freedom from the relentless pursuit of perfection, or simply yearning to reconnect with your true self, this episode offers a compass to navigate the complex terrain of personal transformation. Join us as we embrace vulnerability, celebrate the courage to honor yourself, and unlock the doors to a life of balance, peace, and self-acceptance.
BONUS: Witness a live, impromptu session Claire does with me! 
I pray this episode will grow and help you in some way. Sending my love and light,
Mentioned in the show:
Where to Find Claire Uncapher
📋 Episode Chapters
(01:32) Claire struggled with anxiety and depression and found her way through subconscious work
(08:29) What truth am I avoiding here? What do I not want to know
(15:05) A belief is formed 
(17:11) How can you help someone get back to their authentic self?
(21:09) A lot of people struggle with those first couple steps 
(32:55) Impromptu Healing
(48:33) Root cause and subconscious work has been something I've recently become fascinated with
(56:12) When true healing happens, you have to go beyond affirmations
P.S. Let's embark on a journey of inner-self healing together. I'm here to guide you towards deepening your self-love, building unshakable self-trust, and nurturing inner connection. It's time to reclaim your power and live a life filled with peace, presence, and balance. Start here:
Step 1. FREE email mini course: 5 Days to Finding Yourself Again in Motherhood
Step 2. Join our FREE Motherhood Empowerment Circle for support, advice, lifelong relationships, freebies galore, and first to know access!
Step 3. Start Here with ways to connect with me, grab free resources, or work with me:
Contact me directly: 
~ L&L, J
IMPORTANT NOTE: The Balanced Mom Method podcast and Naturally Empowered Living LLC is intended to empower, inspire, and support you on your personal journey toward inner peace and connection. This podcast is created to provide motivation to its listeners with the understanding that the host, Jenna Smith, does not offer any type of psychological, medical, mental, emotional, legal, religious, or any other kind of professional health or medical advice, nor prescribe the use of any technique or practice as a form of treatment.
Every ​​subject matter discussed is dealt with in a compassionate, empathetic, and respectful manner, however it is understood that there may be topics that are troubling for some listeners. Discretion is advised. If you are suffering from any psychological or medical condition, please seek help from a certified health professional.

Monday Apr 01, 2024

Prepare to embark on a heartwarming journey towards genuine self-love and the pursuit of happiness in motherhood. In this soul-stirring episode, we dive into the essential questions that guide us to a fulfilling life: What energizes our spirit? What makes our hearts sing? Join me as I illuminate the fine line between quitting and stepping away from what no longer serves our alignment. Discover the courage to embrace your true self, shed the weight of guilt, and step into the light of joy and authenticity. This episode is a beacon for all moms grappling with self-worth, seeking to break free from the shackles of societal expectations, and longing to live a life infused with peace, presence, and balance. So, tighten that top knot, mama, and get ready to be uplifted. It's time to tune in, transform, and transcend.
I pray this episode will grow and help you in some way. Sending my love and light,
Mentioned in the show:
Grounding Meditation: 
Innate Doorways Meditation: 
Episode Chapters:
(00:00) The Balanced Mom Method podcast is a safe space to help you transform motherhood
(02:05) I recently uploaded two new meditations, and I do not have a membership platform
(04:04) This show is about finding your innate doorways into meditation
(06:48) This show is about empowering you to find your energy of alignment
(12:52) Michael Markaji says we need to step back into our light to find happiness
(16:55) What quality of life do you want to embody right now
P.S. Let's embark on a journey of learning your energy of alignment together. I'm here to guide you towards deepening your self-love, building unshakable self-trust, and nurturing inner connection. It's time to reclaim your power and live a life filled with peace, presence, and balance. Start here:
Step 1. FREE email mini course: 5 Days to Finding Yourself Again in Motherhood
Step 2. Join our FREE Motherhood Empowerment Circle for support, advice, lifelong relationships, freebies galore, and first to know access!
Step 3. Start Here with ways to connect with me, grab free resources, or work with me:
Contact me directly: 
~ L&L, J
IMPORTANT NOTE: The Balanced Mom Method podcast and Naturally Empowered Living LLC is intended to empower, inspire, and support you on your personal journey toward inner peace and connection. This podcast is created to provide motivation to its listeners with the understanding that the host, Jenna Smith, does not offer any type of psychological, medical, mental, emotional, legal, religious, or any other kind of professional health or medical advice, nor prescribe the use of any technique or practice as a form of treatment.
Every ​​subject matter discussed is dealt with in a compassionate, empathetic, and respectful manner, however it is understood that there may be topics that are troubling for some listeners. Discretion is advised. If you are suffering from any psychological or medical condition, please seek help from a certified health professional.

Monday Mar 25, 2024

Are you ready to be immersed in the transformative power of wholehearted acceptance? I invite you to embrace every facet of yourself, from the brightest joys to the deepest shadows - in this episode we explore the liberating practice of welcoming all parts of our being without judgment or reservation. Through inner reflections and practical wisdom, we discuss the choice to acknowledge and integrate both light and dark aspects of our experience. Ultimately, we unveil the path to self-love, trust, and worth, offering you a transformative journey of introspection and empowerment. Join us as we navigate the terrain of self-discovery with compassion and authenticity.
I pray this episode will grow and help you in some way. Sending my love and light,
Mentioned in the show:
Grounding Meditation: 
Innate Doorways Meditation: 
P.S. Let's embark on a journey of learning your energy of alignment together. I'm here to guide you towards deepening your self-love, building unshakable self-trust, and nurturing inner connection. It's time to reclaim your power and live a life filled with peace, presence, and balance. Start here:
Step 1. FREE email mini course: 5 Days to Finding Yourself Again in Motherhood
Step 2. Join our FREE Motherhood Empowerment Circle for support, advice, lifelong relationships, freebies galore, and first to know access!
Step 3. Start Here with ways to connect with me, grab free resources, or work with me:
Contact me directly: 
~ L&L, J
IMPORTANT NOTE: The Balanced Mom Method podcast and Naturally Empowered Living LLC is intended to empower, inspire, and support you on your personal journey toward inner peace and connection. This podcast is created to provide motivation to its listeners with the understanding that the host, Jenna Smith, does not offer any type of psychological, medical, mental, emotional, legal, religious, or any other kind of professional health or medical advice, nor prescribe the use of any technique or practice as a form of treatment.
Every ​​subject matter discussed is dealt with in a compassionate, empathetic, and respectful manner, however it is understood that there may be topics that are troubling for some listeners. Discretion is advised. If you are suffering from any psychological or medical condition, please seek help from a certified health professional.

Monday Mar 18, 2024

Welcome to a conversation that will nourish your mind, body, and soul. We are diving into the world of mindful health and wellness with the remarkable Dr. Michele Riechman. From her multifaceted background as a personal trainer, yoga instructor, health coach, and physical therapist, Michele shares invaluable insights on embracing holistic well-being and empowering women on how to lead healthier lives. Discover how to break free from diet culture, nurture your body from the inside out, and prioritize what truly matters for your well-being. Get ready to be inspired as we explore Michele's transformative journey and uncover the power of listening to your heart versus succumbing to societal expectations. 
I pray this episode will grow and help you in some way. Sending my love and light,
Mentioned in the show:
Where to find Michele Riechman:
Healthy Beyond 40 Podcast:
Facebook Group:
P.S. Let's embark on a journey of inner-self healing together. I'm here to guide you towards deepening your self-love, building unshakable self-trust, and nurturing inner connection. It's time to reclaim your power and live a life filled with peace, presence, and balance. Start here:
Step 1. FREE email mini course: 5 Days to Finding Yourself Again in Motherhood
Step 2. Join our FREE Motherhood Empowerment Circle for support, advice, lifelong relationships, freebies galore, and first to know access!
Step 3. Start Here with ways to connect with me, grab free resources, or work with me:
Contact me directly: 
~ L&L, J
IMPORTANT NOTE: The Balanced Mom Method podcast and Naturally Empowered Living LLC is intended to empower, inspire, and support you on your personal journey toward inner peace and connection. This podcast is created to provide motivation to its listeners with the understanding that the host, Jenna Smith, does not offer any type of psychological, medical, mental, emotional, legal, religious, or any other kind of professional health or medical advice, nor prescribe the use of any technique or practice as a form of treatment.
Every ​​subject matter discussed is dealt with in a compassionate, empathetic, and respectful manner, however it is understood that there may be topics that are troubling for some listeners. Discretion is advised. If you are suffering from any psychological or medical condition, please seek help from a certified health professional.


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