The Social Circus

Join me, Sarah Thomson, as your host each week as we dive into digital marketing, social media and all the things it takes to run a business in this social circus.

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6 days ago

In this episode of The Social Circus, host Sarah Thomson sits down with the astute Ee Zen Cha, a meticulous Online Business Manager. They take a deep dive into the intrinsic value of business systems and processes, exploring the challenges and triumphs of building a structured operational model in today's dynamic entrepreneurial environment. Ee Zen's knowledge in creating process efficiencies is a beacon for business owners seeking to streamline their workflow and scale their ventures.
With a background in ISO 9001 internal auditing and a master's degree in engineering, Ee Zen applies her methodical and process-oriented skills to assist business owners in optimizing their operations. As an Online Business Manager, she specializes in executing strategy objectives and systemizing business processes, enabling female entrepreneurs to scale and grow their businesses efficiently. Her insights are born from over 13 years of experience in process improvement, both in the corporate world and the online business landscape.

Wednesday Apr 24, 2024

Kara Stokes has successfully transitioned from a copywriter to a brand message coach and is now making waves as an AI influencer for small businesses. With over six years of expertise, she's launched a second venture that teaches small business owners, particularly women, how to use Artificial Intelligence in marketing to gain a competitive edge. Her work focuses on content strategy, brand voice, and identity, aiming to empower women in the rapidly evolving AI space.
In an episode of the Social Circus, host Sarah Thomson chats with Kara Stokes about her journey from copywriting to coaching and her deep dive into AI. Kara discusses the importance of creating a brand identity that emotionally connects with customers, moving beyond visuals to establish meaningful brand principles. She shares insights on how AI is reshaping copywriting and reveals her personal and innovative uses of AI, from managing schedules to creating an AI cheerleader, all while exploring the future of creativity in the age of AI.
Key Takeaways:
Brand identity is a critical emotional connect between your business and customers, going beyond visual elements to how the business communicates and presents itself.
Kara advocates for "brand principles" over "brand values" to ensure a business's actions are in alignment with its declared ethos.
The AI revolution in copywriting has both shaken the industry and presented new opportunities for innovation and efficiency.
AI can serve as a valuable tool in life management and personal motivation, demonstrating versatility beyond content creation.
Thoughtful engagement with AI tools can refine and accelerate content development, even for experienced professionals like Kara.

Wednesday Apr 17, 2024

In the 100th episode of the Social Circus, Sarah Thomson delivers an engaging deep dive into the genesis and evolution of her podcast. Celebrating her half-centennial of episodes, Sarah provides a behind-the-scenes look at the marketing strategies and content creation process that underpin her podcasting success.
Sarah unfolds the tale of her podcast's inception back in March 2022, highlighting the intentional timing aligned with personal and business milestones. She elaborates on how podcasting serves as a medium to long-term marketing strategy and the importance of aligning podcast production with one's business growth phases. Sarah's authentic delivery resonates through insights on the tools, consistency, guest selection, and how she shaped her podcast to mirror her evolution from a social media to a broader digital marketing expert. With a personal touch, Sarah expresses gratitude to her listeners and lays down an enticing opportunity for them to win a VIP day with her.
Key Takeaways:
Podcasting is a medium to long-term marketing strategy best suited for businesses that have already established some level of personal brand recognition.
Consistency is crucial in podcasting, with Sarah never having missed a week since starting her podcast.
Content creation should reflect the host's personality and comfort zone, whether it's scripted or off-the-cuff delivery.
It is important for a podcast's name and content to be flexible enough to accommodate the growth and evolution of both the host and the show.
Hosting a podcast involves a variety of tasks, from recording to editing and promotion, which can be made easier with a well-established workflow and potentially using AI tools and assistance.

Wednesday Apr 10, 2024

In Episode 99 of the "Social Circus," host Sarah Thomson approaches an important milestone: the podcast's 100th episode. This episode features Sarah expressing her enthusiasm for the forthcoming competition in celebration of the 100th episode and gives an overview of what the audience can expect.
Sarah Thomson, an expert in social media and business mindset, discusses her ten-day break from the digital world. She offers insights on preparing for a technology hiatus and emphasizes the significance of being present, resting, and establishing boundaries in both personal and professional life.
The episode includes Sarah’s personal experiences during her digital detox. She talks about spending quality time with her family and her struggle to disconnect from her business. She urges listeners to reflect on their own use of technology and find a balance to enhance their well-being.

Wednesday Apr 03, 2024

In this thought-provoking episode of the Social Circus, host Sarah Thomson welcomes Annie Gichuru, a renowned racial equity coach whose work has been pivotal in steering online businesses towards intentional inclusivity. Together, they delve into the nuances of racial equity versus equality, providing listeners with an invaluable understanding of how to foster an inclusive environment in both personal and professional realms.
This episode shines a light on the often misinterpreted concepts of racial equality and equity. Annie explains the importance of recognizing individual circumstances to create equitable opportunities and outcomes. The conversation progresses to actionable strategies that businesses can implement, from auditing one's network and clientele to crafting inclusive lead magnets. Emphasizing the lifelong journey of learning inclusive practices, Annie guides listeners through recognizing unconscious bias and understanding the impact of microaggressions. Guide -

Wednesday Mar 27, 2024

This episode of The Social Circus featuring Sarah Thomson is a special solo episode where she reflects on turning 50 and shares her personal insights. Sarah shares her initial hesitance about sharing her age publicly and worrying about how it may affect her work in the digital marketing industry. 
In addition to this, Sarah discusses the importance of understanding and planning finances, as well as the impact of this understanding on her life. She admits to previously ignoring the bigger financial picture but, after taking a course on money finance and investing, she realized the significance of managing money. This education has empowered her to have clear plans for the future, particularly as her children grow older and become more independent

Wednesday Mar 20, 2024

In this episode of The Social Circus, host Sarah Thomson reflects on her journey through business and personal growth as she approaches significant milestones. Sarah offers a captivating discussion filled with rich lessons learned while navigating her professional path, including the growth of her podcast and celebrating her 50th birthday. This episode is not just a narrative - it's a collection of enlightening experiences that resonate with entrepreneurs at any stage of their journey.
Throughout the episode, she emphasizes the importance of embracing failure, the art of starting small and growing gradually, and the value of constantly experimenting and diversifying in business ventures. Sarah's vivid storytelling seamlessly integrates these themes, underpinning the conversation with a heartfelt call to action for listeners to take bold yet calculated risks in their endeavors.
Celebrating milestones and achievements in both business and personal life
Overcoming the pitfalls of overplanning and the benefits of 'failing fast'
Recognizing the potential within one's brand and exploring diverse business offerings
The critical importance of starting an email list and growing digital products early on
The significance of commemorating success, including the simpler moments of triumph in the realm of entrepreneurship

Wednesday Mar 13, 2024

In this episode, the host, Sarah Thomson, shares the key lessons learned from her 13 years in  business. With a background in corporate marketing, Sarah provides invaluable insights into running a business, adapting to change, and staying true to one's passions and instincts.
Key Takeaways:Don't rush decisions when starting your business; take time to research, plan, and understand the market you're entering.Focus on services that align with your skills and bring you joy, shaping your business to reflect your passion.Trust your instincts in business decisions – they can serve as a powerful guide in steering your enterprise in the right direction.Be open to change and growth; business services and structures can and should evolve with time and experience.

Wednesday Mar 06, 2024

In episode 94 of the Social Circus the conversation takes a turn from the usual discussions on social media and entrepreneurship, delving into the personal and widespread issue of endometriosis. As Sarah shares her own experiences with the condition, listeners are drawn into a deeper understanding of a problem that affects a significant portion of women globally.
Opening with her own journey to diagnosis, Sarah unravels the complexities of living with endometriosis. In a heartfelt account, she describes the pain and challenges that come with the condition, as well as the societal and financial toll it can take on individuals.

Wednesday Feb 28, 2024

In this episode of the Social Circus, Sarah Thomson welcomes Nina Visic from Mindful Parenting Lifestyle. Nina shares her personal journey as a busy mom who discovered how mindful parenting techniques can make a big difference in family life. The conversation is all about how parents can handle the challenges of raising kids while juggling work, offering lots of helpful tips for listeners in similar situations.
Nina talks about how she went from feeling overwhelmed by parenthood to embracing and teaching mindful parenting principles. These techniques help bring calmness, better communication, and stronger family bonds. The episode is full of practical advice on dealing with triggers, setting up routines, and adapting to changes.
Here are the main points:
Mindful parenting can help parents stay calm and handle tough situations better.
Being aware of yourself and writing down your thoughts can help you understand your triggers and become a better parent.
Finding a routine that works for both work and family life is important for keeping everything balanced.
Practicing gratitude, like with the "Rose, Thorn, and Bud" exercise, can make family life more positive.
Being flexible, understanding, and talking openly are essential when family schedules change.
Some memorable quotes from the episode:
"It's all about making peace with both parts of your life, even if you're struggling."
"Having a regular mindfulness practice helps you stay calm in tough moments."
"Try to focus on the good things that come out of situations, not just what went wrong."
"Knowing your limits and your kids' limits helps you make decisions and adjust as needed."
"As my youngest started kindergarten, I'm figuring out a whole new routine for my workweek."
Nina also offers resources like her Mindful Parenting Course launching in March, memberships to Mindful Parenting Lifestyle, and one-on-one coaching sessions for personalized help. Listeners can connect with her on social media and explore her mindful parenting offerings for support and guidance.

Wednesday Feb 21, 2024

In this episode of "The Social Circus," we meet Chris from "Head to Heart." She's all about helping women aged 40 to 80 shake off self-doubt and find their inner strength. Her goal? To make their lives full of good stuff like abundance and joy.
The big idea in the chat is figuring out why we do what we do. Chris talks a lot about squashing those negative thoughts we all have and replacing them with hopeful ones. She shares her own story, a moment that changed her life and made her want to help others. Her program is all about digging deep to find what really matters to her clients, which changes not just how they think but how they live.
Here are the key points:
Knowing yourself and swapping out negative thoughts for positive ones is super important.
Getting in touch with your true self helps you figure out what's really important, both in life and in business.
Values play a big role in making decisions and dealing with all the tricky parts of running a business.
There are ways to break out of autopilot mode and find joy and new opportunities every day.
It's crucial to reconnect with your own strengths and be kind to yourself by using your own name in self-talk.

Thursday Feb 15, 2024

In this episode, Sarah Thomson, a digital marketing expert, talks about how businesses can grow using social media and client relationships. She hosts "Social Circus" and shares tips on retaining clients and getting referrals. Sarah stresses the importance of moving beyond traditional marketing methods for a successful business.
She offers valuable insights into the challenges of gaining new clients through digital marketing and the potential of nurturing existing client connections. Whether you're a business owner or interested in marketing, this episode provides valuable knowledge to inspire success.
Sarah explores the benefits of focusing on past and current clients instead of relying solely on traditional marketing. As someone deeply involved in digital marketing, she explains that while traditional methods are useful, they often take time to generate results. Sarah suggests prioritizing existing clients and past clients as key sources of business growth. She offers practical advice to improve client engagement and funnel strategies.

Wednesday Feb 07, 2024

In this episode of the Social Circus, host Sarah Thomson sits down with leadership coach Jenny Cole from Positively Beaming to explore the art of navigating difficult conversations in both personal and professional contexts. The episode delves into valuable insights on improving communication skills that are essential for small business owners and corporate leaders alike.
Bringing a wealth of experience from her time as a school principal, Jenny Cole has journeyed through the trials of overwhelm and burnout to reforge her career as an entrepreneur and leadership coach. In her company, Positively Beaming, Jenny focuses her expertise on ensuring that women in leadership roles have the support, skills, and resilience they need to thrive in their positions.
Key Takeaways: Approaching difficult conversations requires understanding one's emotional triggers and learning to respond instead of react. Preparing and rehearsing challenging discussions can help mitigate negative outcomes and maintain professional relationships. Clear and concise communication is key; over-explaining or providing excess detail can undermine the message's effectiveness. Getting closer to those we're in conflict with and humanizing the situation can greatly improve the resolution process. Building a 'win-win' dynamic is possible by articulating needs clearly and working collaboratively towards resolutions.

Wednesday Jan 31, 2024

In this episode of the Social Circus, host Sarah Thomson delves deep into the world of personal branding and self-marketing with the Claudia Neal-Shaw of Candor Consulting. The discussion unlocks the secrets to cultivating a business and personal brand with authenticity and confidence.
The conversation starts with Claudia's journey from a corporate lawyer to the founder of Candor Consulting. With a focus on women entrepreneurs, the dialogue touches on overcoming self-doubt, leveraging unique skill sets, and how to present oneself to the world with confidence. The episode is rich with strategies, personal anecdotes, and actionable advice for anyone looking to amplify their impact in business through personal branding.
Key Takeaways:Establishing a clear personal brand starts with understanding oneself and one’s aspirations within the business.Confidence is not the absence of uncertainty, but it's about taking action despite the fear and doubt.It's vital to recognize one's own worth and the unique skill set one brings to the table, rather than underestimating one’s capabilities.Simple confidence boosters can play a significant role in how we present ourselves online and in person.Sharing one's gifts and specialized skills with the world is not only a personal achievement but also an obligation.

Wednesday Jan 24, 2024

Dive into the exciting world of launching with Sarah Thomson in episode 88 of the Social Circus, where she unpacks the intricate puzzle of digital marketing launches. This episode serves not only as a comprehensive guide but also demystifies the daunting experience of launching a product or service in the digital space. If you've been wrestling with the idea of a launch or find yourself intrigued by the process, keep reading for an episode that promises to empower and enlighten.
Sarah explains the multifaceted stages of the launch process, beginning with the ‘prelaunch’ phase, steering through the core launching event, and smoothly landing into post-launch activities. With an enticing blend of marketing strategies, Sarah advocates for the engagement of one's digital audience and emphasizes the critical nature of staying visible and consistent across platforms. The discussion is ripe with insightful tips, from warming up your audience to harnessing the energy during the launch for optimal results. Read on as Sarah reveals her tried-and-tested methods and offers a golden opportunity to access her "Ultimate Launch Toolkit" as the trajectory towards successful launching is charted.
Key Takeaways:
Launching refers to a systematic online event aiming to get a product or service in front of an audience, inciting engagement and anticipation for purchase.
The prelaunch phase is crucial, often involving waitlist creation or engaging launch events like webinars and social media blitzes to prime the audience.
A launch period of 10-14 days is optimal to maintain momentum and provide adequate time for consumers to make purchasing decisions.
During the launch, an entrepreneur should be highly visible, engage actively with potential consumers, and anticipate a surge of last-minute sales.
Post-launch activities are essential, including soliciting feedback from non-buyers and offering modified versions of the product that could lead to future conversions.
Notable Quotes:
"Launching is typically an online event and involves using all of your digital marketing strategies."
"If you launch, you will always perform better than if you just kind of have your cart open and you just talk about it now and then."
"The launch is the language that we use to say, this is the moment that I'm going to be putting my offer out into the world."
"During the launch period, you are blanketing your social media, you are emailing your list as much as you're comfortable."
"The purpose of a launch event is to get someone warmed up and excited about your offer."
Referenced in the discussion is Sarah Thomson's "Ultimate Launch Toolkit," which is available at a reduced price of $97, down from the usual $297. 
Invoke the enthusiasm and strategy behind successful digital launches by giving the full episode a listen, and don't forget to explore Sarah Thomson's "Ultimate Launch Toolkit" for a step-up in your launch game. 
Stay tuned for more of Sarah's empowering and expertise-laden discussions on the Social Circus.
Ultimate Launch Toolkit

Wednesday Jan 17, 2024

Welcome to the Social Circus podcast, where host Sarah Thomson embarks on a journey to explore the pivotal aspects of social media, business mindset, and the intricacies of entrepreneurship. Dive deep into the heart of goal setting and strategic planning, as Sarah unveils her reflections on the past year and maps out her objectives for 2024. If you're an entrepreneur seeking guidance on translating your vision into tangible results or simply curious about maintaining a work-life balance, this episode is tailored for you.
Sarah Thomson starts the year with a positive outlook, emphasizing the critical nature of goal setting for business growth. Throughout the episode, Sarah shares her deliberate approach to setting achievable financial goals, dissecting revenue streams, and constructing a systematic plan to propel her business forward. The second segment of the podcast offers valuable insights into setting boundaries, structuring non-contact weeks, and managing client expectations to prevent burnout and prioritize personal well-being.
Key Takeaways:
Setting concrete goals is essential for directing your business toward success and ensuring accountability for growth.
It's important to review previous years' accomplishments and use them as a foundation for setting realistic expectations.
Time management and boundary setting are vital for balancing professional commitments with personal well-being.
Time blocking, including designated CEO days and flex days, can greatly enhance productivity and prevent burnout.
Integrating personal milestones and important events into your business calendar ensures you remain present for life's significant moments while running a successful business.
Notable Quotes:
"You must, must know where you are going. Otherwise, anywhere is good."
"We have to honor ourselves and our energy and remind ourselves, why did we start our business and come back to that as your north star?"

Wednesday Jan 10, 2024

In this episode, Sarah Thomson reflects on the year 2023 and shares her experiences and lessons learned. She discusses the challenges she faced, such as losing a six-figure government contract and the impact it had on her business revenue. Despite these setbacks, Sarah was able to grow her business by 6% through hard work and determination.
Sarah also talks about the importance of setting boundaries with clients and learning to say no to requests that don't align with her business goals. She shares her experiences of saying yes to things she had no business doing and the lessons she learned from those situations.
Additionally, Sarah discusses the value of networking and connecting with other entrepreneurs. She shares her decision to run co-working days and the benefits she gained from them. She also emphasizes the importance of reviewing and evaluating your business regularly to identify areas for improvement and growth.
Key Takeaways:
Set boundaries with clients and prioritize self-care.
Say no to requests that don't align with your business goals.
Focus on networking and connecting with other entrepreneurs.
Regularly review and evaluate your business to identify areas for improvement.

Wednesday Dec 06, 2023

In the final episode of The Social Circus for 2023, host Sarah Thomson discusses the importance of goal setting and planning for small businesses. She emphasizes the need for realistic goals and encourages listeners to review their financials from the past year to inform their goal setting for the upcoming year. Sarah also highlights the significance of understanding the numbers in your business and suggests seeking the help of professionals like bookkeepers and accountants. She advises listeners to assess their current capacity and set goals that are achievable and aligned with their energy levels. 
Key Takeaways:
Set realistic goals based on a review of your financials from the past year.
Understand the numbers in your business and seek the help of professionals if needed.
Assess your current capacity and set goals that align with your energy levels.
Take time off during the Christmas period to rest and recharge.

Wednesday Nov 29, 2023

In this episode of The Social Circus, host Sarah Thomson interviews Laura McRae, a podcast manager, about the process of launching and managing a podcast. Laura explains that many people find podcasting overwhelming and don't know where to start. As a podcast manager, Laura helps her clients with all the technical aspects of podcasting, including setting up hosting platforms, editing episodes, and creating social media content. 
With a background as a virtual assistant, Laura decided to niche down her business and focus on podcast management after taking two podcast management courses. She offers a range of services, including setting up hosting platforms, editing episodes, writing show notes, and creating social media content. Laura's goal is to take care of all the technical aspects of podcasting so that her clients can focus on creating great content.
Key Takeaways:
Niche down your podcast to target a specific audience and make it more searchable.
Choose a podcast name that includes a keyword for better searchability.
Consider the length of your episodes based on your target audience's preferences.
Weekly episodes are recommended for better momentum and consistency.
Outsourcing podcast management can save time and ensure a smooth process.
Instagram (
Podcast Support Services

Wednesday Nov 22, 2023

In this episode of The Social Circus, host Sarah Thomson shares tips and ideas for creating engaging Christmas content on social media. She emphasizes the importance of making social media fun and simple for both the business owner and the audience. Sarah suggests starting with a post that informs the audience about the business's Christmas plans and availability. She also encourages businesses to take a break during the holiday season and set clear expectations for when they will respond to messages.Sarah recommends creating a Christmas video or photo to wish the audience a Merry Christmas and thank them for their support. She suggests adding some Christmas fun to the branding, such as festive elements in the logo or cover image. For product-based businesses, Sarah advises checking the website and setting up commerce tags on Facebook and Instagram to facilitate easy purchasing.For businesses that don't sell products during Christmas, Sarah suggests supporting other small businesses by giving them shoutouts on social media. She also introduces the concept of user-generated content (UGC) and encourages businesses to engage their audience by asking them to share photos or participate in fun activities and games.

EP82 - Louise Percy

Wednesday Nov 15, 2023

Wednesday Nov 15, 2023

In this episode of The Social Circus, host Sarah Thomson welcomes back etiquette coach Louise Percy to discuss tips for hosting and attending Christmas parties and networking events. Louise emphasizes the importance of sending invitations well in advance and using electronic RSVPs to track attendance. As a host, it is crucial to greet guests at the entrance and introduce them to others. For guests, self-introductions and confident networking are key. Louise also advises on navigating sensitive topics and managing alcohol consumption at work functions.
Louise Percy is the founder of the Percy Institute of International Protocol and an expert in etiquette and elegance. With a background in military, political, and diplomatic work, Louise has been running the Percy Institute since 1992, offering courses and coaching on social and business etiquette. She is known for her expertise in networking and has recently launched a podcast called "Manners and Other Matters: Exploring Etiquette and Elegance."
Here’s how you can connect with Louise:
Facebook - The Percy Institute
Manners and Other Matters Podcast
Key Takeaways:
Send invitations in advance and use electronic RSVPs to track attendance.
Greet guests at the entrance and introduce them to others as a host.
Be prepared to do self-introductions and confidently network as a guest.
Take cues from the host regarding alcohol consumption at work functions.
Practice respect, consideration, and kindness when traveling and in confined environments.

Wednesday Nov 08, 2023

This week Sarah is joined by Sally Newman and Emily Fogg who are the co-founders of Capability Network, an organization that aims to support small businesses and individuals with disabilities or neurodivergent conditions. 
About The Guest(s):
Sally Newman: Sally is a former corporate professional who transitioned into the celebrancy industry after being diagnosed with multiple sclerosis. She is now the CEO of First Line Productions, a theater and film production company that aims to share people's stories through art. Sally is also a co-founder of Capability Network, an organization that supports small businesses and individuals with disabilities or neurodivergent conditions.
Emily Fogg: Emily is a former teacher with 14 years of experience in special needs and mainstream education. She is the founder of Wise Out of Tuition, a tutoring business that specializes in helping neurodiverse children reach their potential in English and math. Emily is also a co-founder of Capability Network, where she provides mentoring and support to individuals with disabilities who are starting or growing their own businesses.
Key Takeaways:
Capability Network aims to provide recognition and support for small businesses and individuals with disabilities or neurodivergent conditions.
The awards night organized by Capability Network has received nearly 250 nominations, highlighting the need for recognition in this space.
Small businesses should consider working with individuals with disabilities or neurodivergent conditions, as they can bring unique skills and perspectives to the team.
Inclusivity in small businesses can be achieved through simple changes, such as providing sensory boxes, offering relaxed sessions, and making marketing materials more accessible.
Capability Network plans to offer networking sessions and online support groups to help small business owners become more inclusive and learn from individuals with disabilities or neurodivergent conditions.

Wednesday Nov 01, 2023

Sarah McLeod, a personal stylist, joins Sarah Thomson on The Social Circus to discuss confidence, styling, and showing up as your best self.
Sarah shares her journey into styling and how she helps women find their confidence through clothes. She emphasizes the importance of starting with what clients already have in their wardrobe and helping them understand their personal style. Sarah also addresses common misconceptions about personal styling and offers advice for women who struggle with confidence and want to show up as their best selves.
About The Guest(s):Sarah McLeod is a personal stylist and the founder of SJM Styling. With a background in marketing, Sarah followed her passion for helping others feel confident and stylish by becoming a personal stylist. She believes in bringing sparkle, joy, and magic to her clients' lives through clothes.

Wednesday Oct 25, 2023

In this episode, Sarah discusses how small business owners can navigate running their businesses during times of uncertainty and unrest. She emphasizes the importance of being true and authentic to oneself and honoring one's feelings. Sarah also addresses the challenge of discussing contentious political issues and advises business owners to approach these topics with compassion, kindness, and love. She highlights the need to maintain sales, promotions, and offers during turbulent times to create financial freedom, influence, and the ability to give back. Sarah encourages business owners to use their financial success to support causes they are passionate about and to bridge the gender gap in entrepreneurship.
Key Takeaways:
Honor your feelings and be authentic in how you navigate running your business during uncertain times.
Approach contentious political issues with compassion, kindness, and love to avoid isolating your audience.
Financial success creates influence and the ability to give back to causes you care about.
Maintaining sales and promotions during turbulent times helps bridge the gender gap in entrepreneurship.

Wednesday Oct 18, 2023

Melissa Ahlquist is a multi-passionate entrepreneur who has successfully started and managed multiple businesses. She began her journey by importing and selling outdoor beanbags in Australia, with a portion of the profits going towards missions work. Melissa then ventured into business coaching, where she realized the need to provide affordable coaching resources for small businesses. She started Little Biz Foundations, offering workshops and coaching tailored to the needs of micro and small businesses.
Melissa also found success as a WordPress web developer, helping businesses build and manage their websites. She is passionate about giving back and continues to support missions work and charitable causes.Key Takeaways:Melissa started her first business by importing and selling outdoor beanbags, with a portion of the profits going towards missions work.She recognized the need for affordable business coaching resources and started Little Biz Foundations to help micro and small businesses.Melissa became a WordPress web developer after realizing the challenges small business owners faced with their websites.She emphasizes the importance of focusing on one business at a time while allowing room for new opportunities.Melissa's passion for giving back led her to support missions work and charitable causes.

Wednesday Oct 11, 2023

In this episode of The Social Circus, host Sarah Thomson interviews Ellie Swift, a successful business coach and Mastermind mentor. Ellie shares her journey from working in corporate to starting her own coaching business. She explains how she transitioned from one-on-one coaching to running multiple Mastermind programs. Ellie also discusses the importance of creating a unique Mastermind experience and the power of podcasting in growing a business.
About The Guest(s):
Ellie Swift is a business coach and Mastermind mentor who helps coaches, creators, and consultants build sustainable and profitable businesses. With over six years of experience in the industry, Ellie has successfully created and scaled multiple Mastermind programs. She is also the host of the "Shine Online with Ellie Swift" podcast.
Key Takeaways:
Ellie Swift transitioned from working in corporate to starting her own coaching business after realizing she was dissatisfied with her role and wanted to make a more meaningful impact.
Ellie's Mastermind programs have different tiers based on income level, allowing clients to progress and grow within the programs.
Creating a unique Mastermind experience that aligns with your strengths and values makes it easier to sell and retain clients.
Collaboration and community are key elements of a successful Mastermind, and strategies can be implemented to foster these dynamics.
Podcasting is a powerful tool for building a personal brand and generating leads, as it allows people to get to know, like, and trust you quickly.

Wednesday Oct 04, 2023

In this episode, Sarah Thomson discusses the importance of setting boundaries and improving productivity in your business. She emphasizes the need to reassess goals and plans for the final quarter of the year and shares her own strategies for managing time and energy. Sarah also highlights the impact of good boundaries on overall well-being and offers practical tips for tracking time and structuring workdays.
Key Takeaways:
It is crucial to set intentions and reassess goals for the final quarter of the year to avoid rolling into the new year without a plan.
Good boundaries are essential for protecting health, energy, and overall well-being in business.
Time tracking is a valuable exercise to understand how time is spent and identify areas for improvement in productivity.
Setting aside dedicated time for working on business goals, such as a CEO day, can lead to significant growth and progress.
Outsourcing tasks, even with a few hours of virtual assistant support, can alleviate overwhelm and free up time for more important activities.
"If you don't start to do some of this planning now, it will get to December, and we just kind of roll into the new year without any plans or thoughts or ideas on what that is going to look like for ourselves and our business." - Sarah Thomson
"If you do too much, you burn yourself out. You're exhausted, you get sick for a long period of time. That is all going to have a massively detrimental impact on your business." - Sarah Thomson
"The easy way to start outsourcing is with a virtual assistant with just a few hours a week of support." - Sarah Thomson
"There is nothing, how do I describe it? There is no magic behind the curtain when it comes to achieving growth and attaining the goals in your business. It is nothing sexy or special. It is simply a matter of setting aside time, preferably every single week, to work on those." - Sarah Thomson
"We do not get anything back. This is not a do over. This is our one time to do the things we want to do." - Sarah Thomson

Wednesday Sep 27, 2023

Sarah Thomson, host of The Social Circus podcast, welcomes back guest Simone, a Pinterest and SEO expert. They discuss the unique aspects of Pinterest as a search engine and how it differs from traditional social media platforms. Simone shares her journey from Pinterest to SEO and explains the three key elements of SEO: technical optimization, usability, and keyword optimization. She emphasizes the importance of Google Business profiles and collecting reviews. Simone offers a done-for-you service for both Pinterest and SEO, empowering clients to manage their own websites.
About The Guest :
Simone is a Pinterest and SEO expert who fell into the world of digital marketing while looking for a creative outlet outside of her nursing career. She is passionate about helping businesses optimize their online presence and has become an expert in both Pinterest and SEO strategies.
Key Takeaways :
Pinterest is a search engine, not a traditional social media platform.SEO involves optimizing your website to make it easier to find through search engines.Google Business profiles and online reviews can significantly impact search engine rankings.
Quotes :
"Pinterest is a search engine where you come for yourself, not to learn about other people." - Simone"SEO is optimizing your website to get found by your ideal client or customer." - Simone"Google Business profiles and online reviews are essential for local businesses." - Simone

Wednesday Sep 20, 2023

In this episode of The Social Circus, host Sarah Thomson interviews Becca Maxwell, a divorce coach and relational intelligence consultant. Becca shares her journey into entrepreneurship and how her experience in the corporate world and consulting led her to start Do Divorce Right. She discusses the challenges of managing a corporate job and running a business, and emphasizes the importance of setting boundaries and delegating tasks. Becca also provides valuable advice for individuals going through a divorce, including managing overwhelm, acting with integrity, not delegating responsibility, and filling your own cup with joy.**Key Takeaways:**1. Manage overwhelm by making appointments with yourself to address thoughts and emotions related to the divorce.2. Act with integrity and avoid badmouthing your ex-spouse to others.3. Take responsibility for decisions and arguments related to the divorce, rather than delegating them to others.4. Fill your own cup with joy and find activities that bring you happiness during this challenging time.**Quotes:**- "Make an appointment for yourself to deal with overwhelming thoughts and emotions related to the divorce." - Becca Maxwell- "Act with integrity and avoid badmouthing your ex-spouse to others." - Becca Maxwell- "Take responsibility for decisions and arguments related to the divorce and create your own narrative." - Becca Maxwell- "Fill your own cup with joy and find activities that bring you happiness during this challenging time." - Becca Maxwell
About The Guest:Becca Maxwell is a divorce coach and relational intelligence consultant with over six years of experience in coaching and consulting. She has a background in the advertising industry and has used her expertise in relational intelligence to help individuals navigate through difficult divorces. Becca is the founder of Do Divorce Right, where she provides support and guidance to those going through a divorce.

EP73 - Meta Ads Q & A part 2

Wednesday Sep 13, 2023

Wednesday Sep 13, 2023

Sarah Thomson, the host of The Social Circus podcast, answers listener questions about Meta ads and provides insights into other advertising platforms. She explains the importance of understanding the audience on different platforms before running ads and highlights the differences between Google Ads and Meta Ads. Sarah also emphasizes the need to know how customers find your business and the scalability of your products or services when considering ads. She discusses the Advantage Campaign Budget feature in Ads Manager and shares her best-performing ad campaign, which is a lead magnet for a Canva class on creating reels.
Key Takeaways:
Before running ads on a platform, establish a presence and test it organically to see if your audience is there.
Google Ads are effective for bottom-of-the-funnel advertising, while Meta Ads are better suited for top-of-the-funnel campaigns.
Understand how customers find your business and focus on scalable products or services when considering ads.
Advantage Campaign Budget in Ads Manager allows for testing and optimization of ad sets and reallocates budget based on performance.
Testing and refining ads is crucial for success, and the best-performing ads often result from continuous testing and adjustments.
"Before you run any paid ads on a platform, it is always wise to have a presence on that platform." - Sarah Thomson
"Google Ads are more effective when people are close to making a purchase decision." - Sarah Thomson
"Your most effective ads are always going to be top of the funnel for Meta platforms." - Sarah Thomson

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