Show Me The Way

Show Me The Way: How To Lead Your Business to a Successful Exit, presented by Spencer Fane LLP, is an outgrowth of David Seitter’s 2020 book “Quiet Plans – Exciting Results.” The podcast offers assistance, hope and direction to those business owners who have the goal of growing their business so they can achieve the best possible exit for their company. In one-on-one interviews with successful business owners who have been exactly where you are — dealing with the everyday challenges of owning and operating their business — they share their experiences on the way to their planned business exit. The show will often explore how acquiring business(es) or merger and acquisitions played a role in those exits, what ways to make those decisions and how to finalize the deals.

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7 days ago

Welcome to the "Show Me The Way" podcast with David Seitter
In this episode of “Show Me The Way,” Dave sits down with David Churchman, CFO at Midland Industries, to learn from David’s vast experience in mergers and acquisitions (M&A) from multiple perspectives: as a CPA, CFO, and consultant. They delve into strategic preparation of businesses for sale, the importance of understanding the financial intricacies of M&A, and the distinction between strategic and financial buyers.
Ep. 45 — Unveiling M&A Strategies with David Churchman
In the world of business, mergers and acquisitions (M&A) serve as pivotal moments that can shape the course of companies and industries alike. Understanding the complexities and strategies involved in M&A is crucial for any business looking to grow or transition. David Churchman shared invaluable insights based on his extensive experience in M&A, offering a unique perspective on preparing businesses for sale and successful acquisitions.
Preparing Your Business for Sale: A Dual Approach
David stresses the importance of preparing your business always as if you're going to sell it, but also approaching it as if you're going to buy it yourself. This dual perspective challenges business owners to evaluate their operations, financials, and strategies from both sides of the transaction. By viewing the business through the lens of a potential buyer, owners can identify strengths and areas for improvement that may enhance its marketability.
Dealing with Deal Fatigue and Uncertainty
One of the challenges inherent in the M&A process is deal fatigue, which David acknowledges as a real and persistent issue. As the transaction progresses, the volume and complexity of questions multiply, requiring thorough and consistent responses. Managing deal fatigue necessitates effective communication, strategic breaks to re-energize, and a proactive approach to address repetitive inquiries.
The Day After: Embracing Change and Leadership
David emphasizes the significance of acknowledging the post-acquisition landscape, where the dynamics and expectations shift significantly for all involved parties. For acquiring companies, adapting to the new realities within the acquired business and supporting employees through uncertainty are critical tasks. On the flip side, selling companies must navigate through the aftermath of the deal, managing expectations and leading effectively through the transition.
To reach out to Dave for advice or consultation, please visit or email him at
This podcast is provided for educational purposes. It does not constitute legal advice and is not intended to establish an attorney-client relationship. The recommendations contained in this podcast are not necessarily appropriate for every individual or business. In determining the best course of action, business owners should consult with an attorney on their distinct circumstances.

Tuesday Apr 30, 2024

Welcome to the "Show Me The Way" podcast with David Seitter
In this episode of “Show Me The Way,” Dave sits down with Amber Kivett of Kivett Kinetic Solutions, LLC, to discuss her remarkable journey from a catastrophic accident to becoming a beacon of hope and healing for many, including celebrities and professional athletes.
Ep. 44 — MAGIK on the Farm with Amber Kivett
Amber's story is nothing short of miraculous. Born and raised in Indiana, Amber graduated from one of the most prominent sports medicine programs in the country and was set on a path to success. However, life had other plans. A horrific car accident left her with severe spinal injuries, head trauma, fibromyalgia, and thrust her into a battle with the healthcare system as she became overmedicated and disillusioned by the treatments offered to her. This adversity, however, planted the seed for her transformation.
Determined to reclaim her life, Amber fired her entire medical team and sought alternative treatments. Through a blend of acupuncture, herbal detox, and an unwavering will to move again, Amber not only healed herself but also discovered her unique ability to heal others. This led to the creation of her business, where today she uses her sports medicine background, along with an array of holistic healing practices, to help individuals from all walks of life, including some of the world’s most elite athletes and high-profile celebrities.
The Philosophy of MAGIK
Amber's approach to healing is encapsulated in the acronym MAGIK (Motivation, Acceptance, Greatness, and Gifts, Inspiration, and Kindness). Through her practices, she aims to motivate individuals to be better versions of themselves by accepting them as they are, recognizing their inherent gifts and greatness, inspiring them, and treating them with kindness. This philosophy has drawn clients from all over the world to her sanctuary in Indiana, seeking the magic of her healing touch.
Healing Beyond Physical
Amber’s work goes far beyond physical healing. It touches on the profound aspects of mental and emotional recovery and self-discovery. Her clients, many of whom are dealing with the pressures of fame, physical demands of their careers, or transitions into new life stages, find in Amber a confidante and a healer who can keep their secrets and guide them through their darkest moments.
For those living a high-stress lifestyle, whether in high-stakes corporate environments or in the competitive world of professional sports, Amber's practice offers a beacon of hope. She emphasizes the importance of de-stressing, recognizing the role of emotions and the mind in physical health, and encourages her clients to find activities that bring them joy and fulfillment beyond their professional achievements.
Amber’s practice is open to all, and she can be reached through her website or directly at (317) 446-7971. In a world that often prioritizes achievement over well-being, Amber’s work is a vital reminder of the importance of caring for our bodies, minds, and spirits.
To reach out to Dave for advice or consultation, please visit or email him at
This podcast is provided for educational purposes. It does not constitute legal advice and is not intended to establish an attorney-client relationship. The recommendations contained in this podcast are not necessarily appropriate for every individual or business. In determining the best course of action, business owners should consult with an attorney on their distinct circumstances.

Tuesday Apr 16, 2024

Welcome to the "Show Me The Way" podcast with David Seitter
In this episode of “Show Me The Way,” Dave sits down with Ron Keith, CEO of Arbor Masters, to discuss the evolution of the tree care industry but also the personal and professional growth of a passionate entrepreneur.
Ep. 43 — Unearthing the Roots of Success with Ron Keith
Ron's narrative isn't just the story of a business; it's the legacy of a passion that branched out through generations. Born and raised in Kansas City, Ron's roots in the tree care industry were planted by his grandfather in Norton, Louisiana, and nurtured by his father in Kansas City. This familial bond with trees wasn't merely a profession but a way of life that Ron eagerly embraced from a young age. His commitment to never having "had a real job" because he's doing what he loves is a testament to finding one's calling.
The Pillars of Success: Culture, Risk, and Education
Cultivating the Right Culture - For Ron, the amalgamation of businesses wasn't just about growth. It required a deeper integration - a blending of cultures that mirrored Arbor Masters' core values and respect for the industry. This approach of working on projects together before finalizing acquisitions ensures that the company expands without diluting its essence.
Embracing Risks and Learning from Failures - Keith's narrative champions the entrepreneurial spirit of taking calculated risks and learning from failures. He credits his risk-taking ability for the exponential growth of Arbor Masters, highlighting the importance of being fearless yet mindful.
Continuous Learning and Mentorship - Despite admitting to not having been a great student in traditional education, Ron Keith's dedication to learning from life, experience, and mentors shaped his leadership. This commitment extends beyond personal growth to fostering a culture of mentorship within his company.
Arbor Masters' Environmental and Social Impact
Ron's passion for trees transcends business. He speaks fervently about the scientific advancements in tree care that allow Arbor Masters to save trees that would have been lost to disease or improper care. His vision for a greener Midwest and the innovative practices adopted by his company, such as root system revitalization and environmentally safe tree injections, underline a deep-seated commitment to environmental sustainability.
Leadership, Legacy, and Life Lessons
Ron Keith's philosophy on leadership extends beyond professional confines to personal growth and wellbeing. He emphasizes the importance of leading oneself first, ensuring that personal life is in harmony with professional aspirations. Moreover, his reverence for the Bible as a guide and his approach to continuous learning and applying knowledge pragmatically in life and business underscore a holistic approach to success.
Branching Out Beyond Boundaries
Ron Keith's journey with Arbor Masters exemplifies how passion, perseverance, and a commitment to core values can cultivate a legacy that impacts not just an industry but also the community and environment. His story isn't just about the growth of a family-led tree care business to a multi-location enterprise. It's about planting seeds of passion, nurturing them with education and culture, pruning through calculated risks, and ultimately, growing a legacy that stands tall in the face of time.
In Ron's pursuit of greening the world, one tree at a time, lies a blueprint for aspiring entrepreneurs and business leaders. It teaches us that with the right mixture of passion, leadership, and dedication to a cause greater than ourselves, we too can branch out beyond our wildest dreams.
To reach out to Dave for advice or consultation, please visit or email him at
This podcast is provided for educational purposes. It does not constitute legal advice and is not intended to establish an attorney-client relationship. The recommendations contained in this podcast are not necessarily appropriate for every individual or business. In determining the best course of action, business owners should consult with an attorney on their distinct circumstances.

Tuesday Apr 02, 2024

Welcome to the "Show Me The Way" podcast with David Seitter
In this episode of “Show Me The Way,” Dave sits down with Travis Barnes, the CEO and founder of Journey 333, to discuss his humble beginnings in a FEMA trailer to becoming a successful entrepreneur, motivational speaker, author, and podcaster. They delve into the challenges and triumphs of franchising, the importance of systems, mentors, and the right team.
Ep. 42 — From Prison to Franchise Success: The Inspiring Journey of Travis Barnes
In the world of business and personal development, stories of resilience, determination, and triumph serve as powerful beacons of hope. One such story is that of Travis Barnes, a man who overcame insurmountable challenges to become the CEO and founder of Journey 333, a rapidly growing fitness franchise. This blog post will delve into Travis's extraordinary journey, highlighting the key lessons and insights that aspiring entrepreneurs can glean from his experiences.
The Unlikely Beginning
Travis Barnes's story starts in a small town, Sayre, Pennsylvania, where he was born and raised. Fresh out of high school, Travis moved to Las Vegas, Nevada, in pursuit of his passion for fitness. Initially, it seemed like a dream come true. He landed his first job in fitness at Gold's Gym, a place buzzing with potential and opportunity. However, Travis's journey took a dark turn as he was ensnared by an unhealthy lifestyle that spiraled into drug addiction and, eventually, prison for a nonviolent drug offense.
A Phoenix Rises
The potent mix of regret and a desire for redemption during his imprisonment ignited Travis's determination to turn his life around. Upon release, Travis's path to recovery and success began with a job at a physical therapy and fitness company. There, he quickly ascended to the role of manager, thanks to his work ethic and vision. It was this experience that equipped him with the knowledge of how a business could be systemized and run efficiently, setting the stage for what was to come.
The Birth of Journey 333
Travis's entrepreneurial journey kicked into high gear when he and his wife, displaced into a FEMA trailer by a flood, decided to leverage their last reserves of hope and start a fitness business. With nothing but an unemployment check and a high-interest loan for equipment, they began Journey Fitness. The business flourished, growing from 14 to 400 clients in a year, and expanding to five locations in under four years. Despite these successes, Travis knew he wanted to impact more lives. The solution? Franchising.
The Franchise Model
Transitioning to a franchise model was not merely a business decision; it was a means to enable passionate fitness professionals to own their businesses while continuing to propagate the proven Journey 333 brand and system. Today, Journey 333 is a beacon in the fitness industry, with locations across several states, and is continuing to expand despite the challenges presented by the global pandemic.
Lessons from the Valley to the Peak
Travis Barnes's story is more than one of personal redemption; it encapsulates invaluable lessons for entrepreneurs and business leaders:
1.    Embrace Systems and Processes
Efficiency and consistency are the backbones of a successful enterprise. Implementing systems that allow the business to run smoothly without constant oversight is crucial for growth.
2.    Seek Mentorship
Mentors can provide guidance, wisdom, and insight based on their experiences. For Travis, mentorship was instrumental in navigating the challenges of entrepreneurship and franchise development.
3.    Find the Right People
Your team can significantly impact your business's trajectory. Investing in finding and nurturing the right talent is pivotal for long-term success.
Looking Ahead
With a goal to impact a million lives, Travis Barnes and Journey 333 are on an upward trajectory, demonstrating the transformative power of resilience, leadership, and vision in the entrepreneurial landscape. His journey teaches us that adversity can serve as a powerful catalyst for change and that the depth of one's struggles can indeed determine the height of one's successes.
Whether you're an aspiring entrepreneur or someone looking to make a significant life change, remember Travis Barnes's story. It's a vivid reminder that, no matter where you start or the obstacles you face, with determination, support, and vision, you can achieve incredible heights.
For anyone drawn to the compelling world of fitness and entrepreneurship, Journey 333 stands as an exemplary model and testament to what is achievable when passion meets purpose.
To reach out to Dave for advice or consultation, please visit or email him at
This podcast is provided for educational purposes. It does not constitute legal advice and is not intended to establish an attorney-client relationship. The recommendations contained in this podcast are not necessarily appropriate for every individual or business. In determining the best course of action, business owners should consult with an attorney on their distinct circumstances.

Tuesday Mar 19, 2024

Welcome to the "Show Me The Way" podcast with David Seitter
In this episode of “Show Me The Way,” Dave sits down with Chris Foote, Owner of Coronado Fitness Club, and a business continuity entrepreneur who turned his passion for fitness into a thriving venture in the health industry. Chris shares his journey, insights, and the lessons learned along the way.
Ep. 41 — The Business Continuity Entrepreneur: Insights from Chris Foote
Like most successful business narratives, Chris Foote's journey starts modestly and evolves into something monumental. Born in Albuquerque, New Mexico, Chris's formative years instilled in him a strong work ethic. After attending Texas Tech University and realizing that his athletic career was not his calling, he ventured into the world of fitness training.
Living in San Diego, Chris was inspired by the wonderful community of Coronado and noticed an opportunity for a firsthand, community-spirited gym. Starting from scratch, he created a business that was all about community, hard work, and making a difference in people's lives.
Mentorships and Understanding Your Strengths
Reflecting on his journey, Chris shares three critical insights that he has gained:
1.    The Power of Mentorship
One of Chris's strongest recommendations for budding entrepreneurs is to seek out a mentor. In his third year of business, Chris hired a coach, which he describes as a game-changing decision. A good mentor not only offers valuable experience and guidance but also lends perspective, enabling entrepreneurs to see their businesses and themselves more clearly.
2.    Self-awareness is Key
Chris underscores the importance of deep self-awareness. All entrepreneurs should take the time to understand their strengths and areas of growth. He advises going through personality tests and introspective exercises to learn more about oneself. When faced with challenges, it is essential to realize, "you're the solution."
3.    Develop Your Systems from Day One
Finally, Chris emphasizes the need for robust, well-defined business systems. Whether it is administrative tasks or daily operations, having clear processes and protocols will pave the way for smoother functioning and scalability.
Looking Ahead: Vision For the Future
As he looks forward to age 65, Chris envisions himself remaining engaged in business, perhaps even in a different capacity. Moreover, he hopes to work in some capacity with his children if it aligns with their visions. For Chris, success at age 65 does not simply mean profitable transactions; it comes from continued growth, self-fulfillment, and nurturing strong family bonds.
It All Comes Down to Community
Chris's success story highlights the importance of community in business. In his fitness club in Coronado, everyone — staff and members — shares a sense of belonging and team spirit. This, he believes, is the lifeblood of his business.
Business continuity is no simple task, but with resilience, courage, and the right attitude, it is achievable. Whether you are an established business owner, a budding entrepreneur, or someone dreaming of starting a venture, Chris's journey offers exciting insights and an inspiring narrative of entrepreneurial achievement.
To learn more about Chris or Coronado Fitness club, visit their website:
To reach out to Dave for advice or consultation, please visit or email him at
This podcast is provided for educational purposes. It does not constitute legal advice and is not intended to establish an attorney-client relationship. The recommendations contained in this podcast are not necessarily appropriate for every individual or business. In determining the best course of action, business owners should consult with an attorney on their distinct circumstances.

Tuesday Mar 05, 2024

Welcome to the "Show Me The Way" podcast with David Seitter
In this episode of “Show Me The Way,” Dave sits down with Linda Freeman, a transformational CPA. Linda brought a wealth of intricate tax law and strategic expertise to the conversation, as she shared her wisdom on mergers, acquisitions, business succession planning, and business continuity planning.
Ep. 40 — The Transformational CPA: Linda Freeman
Linda Freeman, a Certified Public Accountant, delivers more than your typical taxation advice. Her ability to navigate the intricacies of tax law and apply a strategic, high-level perspective has earned her the title of a "Transformational CPA".
Dave made it apparent right at the outset that all professionals exhibit their unique trade pedigree specialty in their detailed execution of work. However, some exhibit the capability to contribute high-level strategic foresight about various significant business processes, which sets them apart – Linda is one such professional.
The CPA's Unique Insights Into Business Operations
Linda’s grasp on the operational intricacies of various businesses - from manufacturing and distribution to high-net-worth individuals - offered listeners valuable insights into the mechanics of mergers, acquisitions, and succession planning. When asked why CPAs are involved in M&As, Freeman remarked that businesses are finding ways to generate efficiencies and facilitate growth by integrating various business branches through private equity.
Communication: The Pillar of Successful Mergers and Acquisitions
Linda stressed the importance of two-way communication during the M&A process. The idea is to understand what attracted the client to the deal, what issues they might have, and how to structure the entire transaction so that the tax implications can be minimized. This is where the expertise of a versatile CPA, like Linda, comes in handy. They not only tackle the technicalities of taxation but also keep the broader picture in mind.
The Calculated Approach to M&As
According to Freeman, a typical M&A might take somewhere between six to nine months. The duration might vary depending on the size and the complexity of the deal. However, what she emphasized more was the preparation before entering into a deal. A business contemplating an M&A should always have their businesses pre-evaluated to understand the potential value beforehand.
When asked to give her top three pieces of advice for someone considering an M&A, Linda suggested that business owners should have a clear understanding of their goals, pay special attention to the cultural fit, and work with a team that is receptive and unintimidated by challenges.
Her refreshing perspective on M&As shows us that accountants stand as fundamental pillars during the entire process. Their wisdom and insights can shape the decisions that lead to successful and rewarding deals. Linda has elevated the role of CPA to a strategic and transformational one, making our journey through the intricate process of M&As a bit more navigable.
Linda Freeman's unique perspective on the largely complex process of M&As is indeed insightful, and her long-held experience with the process served as beneficial guidance for business owners looking to explore this ledger of business operations.
You can reach out to Linda at MarksNelson at 816-743-7700 or consult their
To reach out to Dave for advice or consultation, please visit or email him at
This podcast is provided for educational purposes. It does not constitute legal advice and is not intended to establish an attorney-client relationship. The recommendations contained in this podcast are not necessarily appropriate for every individual or business. In determining the best course of action, business owners should consult with an attorney on their distinct circumstances.

Tuesday Feb 20, 2024

Welcome to the "Show Me The Way" podcast with David Seitter
In this episode of “Show Me The Way,” Dave sits down with Dr. Michelle Robin, Chief Wellness Officer of Your Wellness Connection, to discuss the impact of stress and anxiety that arises during business-related processes like mergers, acquisitions, and succession planning and how to handle them effectively.
Ep. 39 — From Stress to Success: Managing Anxiety in Business Deals with Dr. Michelle Robin
In the fast-paced world of business, dealing with stress and fatigue is inevitable, especially when it comes to complex processes like mergers, acquisitions, and succession planning. Dr. Michelle Robin, owner of Your Wellness Connection, shares valuable insights on how to navigate deal fatigue and stay mentally and physically well throughout the journey. We’ll highlight the key takeaways to help you effectively deal with the challenges that arise during business transactions.
Understanding Deal Fatigue
Dr. Robin defines deal fatigue as a condition that occurs during negotiations when parties on both sides of the transaction feel frustrated, helpless, or exhausted by the never-ending negotiation process. She emphasizes that deal fatigue is common in mergers and acquisitions, where the parties become adamant in their proposals and positions, often prolonging the negotiations. Understanding the causes and recognizing the symptoms of deal fatigue is the first step in effectively managing it.
Dealing with Stress and Anxiety in Business Deals
Dr. Robin stresses the importance of taking care of your overall well-being when dealing with stress and anxiety in any aspect of life. She suggests focusing on four pillars of wellness: physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual needs. By addressing these aspects and ensuring a balanced approach, individuals can make better decisions and manage deal fatigue effectively.
Starting with Your Why
Before delving into any deal or undertaking, Dr. Robin advises individuals to understand their "why." By identifying the deeper purpose and motivation behind the deal, it becomes easier to navigate challenges and maintain perspective.
Take a Breath and Reconnect
Dr. Robin emphasizes the importance of taking a deep breath and reconnecting with oneself. By practicing mindfulness and being present in the moment, individuals can better manage stress and make decisions that align with their goals.
Seeking Perspective
When dealing with deal fatigue, it is crucial to maintain perspective. Dr. Robin suggests asking yourself, "What's the worst thing that can happen?" Putting things into perspective can alleviate stress and make the decision-making process more manageable.
Reframing the Situation
To combat deal fatigue, individuals should reframe their mindset. Instead of focusing on the challenges, they should view them as opportunities for growth and learning. Reframing helps individuals maintain a positive outlook and approach the situation with renewed energy.
Navigating deal fatigue requires a holistic approach that prioritizes overall well-being and mental clarity. By understanding the causes of deal fatigue, practicing self-care, and maintaining perspective, individuals can effectively manage the challenges that arise during negotiations. Dr. Michelle Robin's insights provide valuable guidance in dealing with stress and staying centered throughout the process. Remember, taking care of yourself is paramount, and when you're at your best, you can make better decisions throughout your business journey.
To reach out to Dave for advice or consultation, please visit or email him at
This podcast is provided for educational purposes. It does not constitute legal advice and is not intended to establish an attorney-client relationship. The recommendations contained in this podcast are not necessarily appropriate for every individual or business. In determining the best course of action, business owners should consult with an attorney on their distinct circumstances.

Tuesday Feb 06, 2024

Welcome to the "Show Me The Way" podcast with David Seitter
In this episode of “Show Me The Way,” Dave sits down with Vercie Lark. From formerly working at the Small Business Administration to being an accomplished author, Vercie discusses opportunities available to businesses through the SBA, and portrays an inspiring story of resilience, passion, courage, and revolution.
Ep. 38 — The SBA Executive: Investing and Changing Trajectories with Vercie Lark
Vercie’s entrepreneurial journey started with some major American corporations and even serving time for the SBA. Apart from his corporate commitments, Vercie is an author whose book, 'Make It Rain', encourages readers to take control of their financial futures. Shifting gears from being an author, Vercie is also an angel investor and venture capitalist, involved in nurturing businesses across regions.
The Journey to Empowering Communities
Vercie, like many successful entrepreneurs, came from humble beginnings. His childhood in Dayton, Ohio was filled with a sense of community where everyone worked, played, and struggled together. His approach to life is much like his favorite childhood book, 'Curious George'. Always eager to learn more, to push boundaries, and to help others.
Driven by his childhood experiences and his journey so far, Vercie's new venture aims to invest in jobs that pay well and fuel business growth. Teaming up with Naples Technology Ventures, they have launched a fund called the 'Prosperity Fund.' The goal is to help businesses grow so that job opportunities and incomes can grow in tandem.
Making the SBA More Accessible
Vercie’s former role with the Small Business Administration (SBA) taught him the many opportunities the government offers for investment and business development - opportunities that many people aren’t aware of. He speaks about the different types of loans available from the SBA, including ones for businesses to acquire other businesses, or expand their own.
To address this, Vercie aims to start a micro-lending facility to help small businesses gain access to necessary funds. He hopes to start this venture in Kansas City and then extend it to other parts of the Midwest.
Vercie's Advice for Entrepreneurs
Vercie's parting advice for entrepreneurs is to persevere. Navigating the business world is full of rejection, but the key is to keep trying. Whether it's an SBA loan, a commercial loan, or venture capital, the constant effort will eventually lead to the right opportunity.
Start by stepping out, learning, and remaining resilient just as Vercie Lark has done. If he can do it, so can you!
To reach out to Dave for advice or consultation, please visit or email him at
This podcast is provided for educational purposes. It does not constitute legal advice and is not intended to establish an attorney-client relationship. The recommendations contained in this podcast are not necessarily appropriate for every individual or business. In determining the best course of action, business owners should consult with an attorney on their distinct circumstances.

Tuesday Jan 30, 2024

Welcome to the "Show Me The Way" podcast with David Seitter
In this special edition episode of the "Show Me the Way", Dave invites Greg Justice, owner of AYC Fitness and author of "Treadside Manor," back to the show to share his insights on bridges and their metaphorical significance in personal and professional growth. Greg's story of resilience and professionalism serves as a valuable lesson for business owners facing transitions and challenges.
Special Edition — Bridges are Made for Crossing Not Burning with Greg Justice
Greg begins by recounting a pivotal moment in his career when he was fired from his dream job. Rather than reacting negatively or venting his anger, he remained calm, professional, and commanded the respect of the owners with his composed reaction.
Making the Best Out of Adversity
Following his dismissal, Greg faced a difficult situation but demonstrated strategic thinking and resourcefulness. When the owner offered him his job back due to member complaints, Greg proposed starting his personal training business within the club upon his return after completing his master's degree. This bold move turned the situation around, proving that bridges can be rebuilt and transformed into new beginnings.
Career Advancement Through Positive Relationships
Greg reads from a chapter in one of his books, Treadside Manor, that highlights the importance of building strong, lasting professional relationships throughout one's career. By maintaining positive communication with the owners even under difficult circumstances, Greg reinforced their belief in his credibility, reliability, and conscientiousness.
Lessons for Business Succession Planning and Exit Planning
The parallels between Greg's experience and the challenges faced by business owners during succession planning and exit planning are evident. Burning bridges can lead to missed opportunities and strained professional relationships. Instead, fostering positive connections and leaving a positive legacy can create a foundation for future success.
Applying Lessons in Personal and Professional Life
Dave reflects on the broader applicability of Greg's story, particularly in professional transitions, such as business exits or acquisitions. Whether changing jobs, seeking career advancement, or navigating business changes, maintaining professionalism and resilience can be key to achieving positive outcomes.
Greg Justice's story of resilience, professionalism, and the significance of bridges in personal and professional growth offers valuable lessons for individuals in various stages of their careers. By choosing to respond rather than react, making the best out of adversity, and building strong relationships, individuals can overcome challenges and create promising opportunities. Remember, bridges are made for crossing, not burning.
To reach out to Dave for advice or consultation, please visit or email him at
This podcast is provided for educational purposes. It does not constitute legal advice and is not intended to establish an attorney-client relationship. The recommendations contained in this podcast are not necessarily appropriate for every individual or business. In determining the best course of action, business owners should consult with an attorney on their distinct circumstances.

Tuesday Jan 23, 2024

Welcome to the "Show Me The Way" podcast with David Seitter
In this episode of “Show Me The Way,” Dave sits down with Teresa Carey, President of PerformancePointe, Inc. to discuss successful strategies for rapid business growth and succession planning. She provides insight into her unique coaching methodology, the key attributes that make succession planning work, and some common pitfalls in succession planning.
Ep. 37 — Managing Rapid Growth and Succession Planning with Teresa Carey
For businesses navigating growth and succession planning, finding the right direction can be a daunting task. It's like standing at a crossroads with different pathways leading to unfamiliar places. Making the right choice is not always easy, but with the right guidance, you can successfully steer your business through the thick of growth and succession planning.
Teresa sheds light on her background and the journey that led her to assist businesses traverse through the challenging landscape of growth and succession planning. She discussed her initial career in sales, and how her transition to training and development paved the way to coaching and eventually, to the executive leadership development arena.
Teresa explains an interesting concept: the transition from being functional leaders to enterprise-wide leaders. It is the transformation that business owners need to go through to step out of their narrow field of operation to adopt an overall direction for the company.
Essential Tips to Choose the Right Successor
The task of selecting a successor often presents a remarkable challenge. One crucial lesson Teresa shared is about proactivity. Leaders must proactively plan for succession. This proactive planning involves hiring people smarter than yourself, nurturing a culture of humility, and creating processes that can be trusted.
Teresa emphasizes the importance of clarity in proactively planning for succession. She recommends having a 30, 60, 90, 180-day plan in place when taking over a new leadership role to ease the transition and ensure that the business continues to move in the planned direction without any interruptions.
Shaping Your Business’ Ideal Future
Whether your company has just started or is in the process of pre-rapid growth, Teresa’s illuminating advice will resonate. She reiterates having a plan and ensuring its objective aligns with your purpose and values. Your North Star, as Teresa puts it, will guide you through the journey.
Simultaneously, she warned against over-hiring at the top too soon. She emphasized the importance of focusing on leadership development and investing in talent strategies that are crucial to healthy team and organizational growth. Teresa underscores the importance of having a solid exit strategy. She insists this will impact most of the decisions made along the way up until the culminating event.
Igniting Business Success
Teresa Carey has offered an engaging perspective into the intricate world of growth and succession planning. The takeaways from her interview are sure to ignite successes for startups and existing businesses alike in planning for and navigating growth as well as ensuring seamless transitions in leadership roles.
Teresa lives her calling and continues assisting businesses to make the leap from functional to enterprise leadership, partnering with them to overcome the challenges and opportunities ahead. In essence, she liberates greatness by connecting the strengths of each leader to the strategic blueprint of the organization. To learn more about Teresa Carey and her services, visit or contact her via email at
To reach out to Dave for advice or consultation, please visit or email him at
This podcast is provided for educational purposes. It does not constitute legal advice and is not intended to establish an attorney-client relationship. The recommendations contained in this podcast are not necessarily appropriate for every individual or business. In determining the best course of action, business owners should consult with an attorney on their distinct circumstances.

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