Open Heavens Transformation Leadership Training

Open Heavens Transformation Leadership Training provides teachings which enable you and your led people, to pursue and accomplish your most desired yet appearing impossible dreams, visions, or aspirations. Our mandate is to provide leadership teachings, which transform Ordinary People to become EXTRAORDINARY LEADERS. You Are Invited To Become The Extraordinary Transformational Leader, Who Utilises ‘Whatever Your Grown To Daily Life Occupation Or Profession AND Giftings Or Talents, As Launchpad Vessels ‘For Transforming Your Led People’ And Their Serviced Communities. You Will; INITIALLY… RECEIVE and APPLY our clear teachings, on your created in image and likeness of God’s boundlessly overcoming POWER. Which empowers you ‘to turn whatever your encountered DIFFICULTIES or INHIBITIONS’ into OPPORTUNITIES. For your growing ‘the requisite capacity’ to CONCEIVE and PURSUE, whatever ‘your most desired yet appearing impossible’ dreams, visions or aspirations. SUBSEQUENTLY… FULFIL your created for ‘earthly ruling and God serving’ LEADERSHIP PURPOSE. Through your also TEACHING other INCREASING PEOPLE, to ‘as well break-out’ from self-limiting beliefs or traditions. AND grow to the limitless potential, of their created in image and likeness of God’s boundless power, wealth, wisdom, strength, honour, glory and blessing. AND CONCURRENTLY… GENERATE and ACCRUE ‘the all people yearned for’ GREATEST and ETERNALLY FULFILLING Personal Peace and Joy. NOT ONLY from witnessing ‘your led people pursue their previously inconceivable’ higher visions or aspirations, but MORE FROM ‘their as well leading other people’ in ‘regenerating their experienced transformational leadership growth’ across all their serviced socio-economic sectors.

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Friday Sep 16, 2022

On the one hand any worthwhile Knowledge ‘either raises your level of awareness’ on previously not clear issues, or it breaks previous barriers ‘to your realizing the limitless extent’ of your advancement potential. Whilst on the other hand, any worthwhile Faith ‘grows and facilitates’ the demonstration, of ‘your hunger for and self-belief in’ the capacity to conceive and pursue whatever your desired higher accomplishments. And ‘whose pursuit demonstrates’ your growing, to your limitless advancement potential.
Any worthwhile Faith ‘grows and facilitates’ the demonstration, of ‘your hunger for and self-belief in’ the capacity, to conceive and pursue whatever your desired higher accomplishments.
#OpenHeavens #Growth #Success #Courses – For the full article read it here:

Friday Aug 26, 2022

You should now seek and grow the crucial Faith, which ‘you will apply in your further developing’ to your limitless advancement potential.

Friday Jul 08, 2022

Have you ever wondered ‘how even the most well educated or well trained people’ are not necessarily the most successful, and can even be amongst the worst failures.
#OpenHeavens #Head #Faith #Knowledge For the full article read:

Friday Jun 24, 2022

Whilst ‘the core benefit or value of any Teaching Knowledge’ is the impartation of some new or higher awareness levels, which raise the recipient’s capacity ‘to proficiently apply the taught knowledge for advancing or achieving’ certain objectives.
#openheavens #leadershipcourses Find the full article here:

Thursday Jun 09, 2022

After the previous Your Future World Today articles ‘rooted you in your purposed inspiration’ by the appearing impossible, and subsequent to ‘your being led to reject the faith and knowledge deprived, and false humility and self-imposed worship driven’ teaching regulations or traditions.
Read the full article here: #leadershiptraining #courses #lifelessons #weeklyblog

Friday Jun 03, 2022

Whilst any victory is what every person desires ‘and not only because of the Personal Joy it generates and accrues’ to the victorious person, but more so because of ‘the victory inculcated inspiration’ for one to seek and pursue even higher victories. The ‘level and extent of the accrued joy and drawn inspiration’ is generally dependent on the level and extent of the difficulties or limitations, which one ‘had to endure and overcome’ in pursuit of one’s achieved victory.
#openheavens #leadershipcourses #training #onlinelessons – For indepth insight and access read this week’s article:

Friday May 27, 2022

Indeed any person can be discouraged by one’s persistently encountered difficulties or inhibitions, and particularly when ‘one has consistently tried to confront and overcome these’ but without success. And the discouragement can even be further justified, whenever the encountered difficulties or limitations continue to grow.
#openheavens #leadershipcourses #training #onlinelessons Read the full article here: #openheavens #leadershiptraining #courses #lifelessons #weeklyblog

Thursday May 19, 2022

After highlighting per this week’s Your Future World Today article, how continuously growing and newly emerging problems or limitations ‘are the necessary ingredients’ for motivating you, to ‘grow your current Enduring Capacity’ into your Unrelenting Character. The question that arises is ‘how does one continue to have hope’ despite encountering the growing difficulties or inhibitions?
#openheavens #leadershipcourses #training #onlinelessons – For indepth insight and access read this week’s article:

Thursday May 12, 2022

Conviction ‘by commencing and sustaining the pursuit of your desired yet appearing impossible’ vision or aspiration, regardless of whatever difficulties or limitations you encounter. And your subsequently utilizing ‘the encountered difficulties or inhibitions’ as the necessary ingredients, for motivating you ‘to grow your demonstrated Personal Conviction’ into your Sustained Commitment, to seek and develop ‘the requisite capacity for confronting and overcoming’ the encountered difficulties or inhibitions. Its very possible and normal ‘for you to initially fail to overcome’ some difficulties or inhibitions, mostly because these could be growing ‘while new ones not previously anticipated’ emerge, and all these would therefore be ‘beyond your current capacity’ to overcome them.
#openheavens #transformational #leadership #achievement. For this week’s full article and insight on this issue follow this link:

Saturday May 07, 2022

Whilst any necessary preparations are important, as they facilitate ‘the growth of both your personal confidence and capacity’ to commence whatever pursuit you desire. For your growing the Personal Conviction ‘to pursue whatever you desire yet appearing impossible’ higher accomplishment.
#openheavens #transformational #leadership #achievement. For this week’s full article and insight on this issue follow this link:


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