Miracle Working Mums

Welcome to Miracle Working Mums podcast with me, your host, Hannah Pring, where we will explore the working woman’s journey to and through motherhood.

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Tuesday Apr 23, 2024

Emily Dent, a partner in the innovation and transformation consultancy &Us, shares her journey of balancing career and family. She emphasizes the importance of building a supportive community and acknowledges the challenges faced by women in male-dominated industries. Emily discusses the pressure to have it all and the need to redefine societal expectations. She also highlights the physical and hormonal toll of pregnancy and the lack of understanding and support in the workplace. Emily shares her experience of transitioning to freelance work and eventually becoming a partner in her consultancy. The conversation covers topics such as socialization of children, creating an equitable workplace, the importance of dialogue, and redefining success. She emphasizes the importance of treating people like adults and tailoring work arrangements to individual needs. Emily also talks about her approach to growth in her consultancy and the value of creating a supportive and inclusive culture. She highlights the need for open dialogue and collaboration in both the workplace and at home.
Building a supportive community is crucial when living far from family.
Women in male-dominated industries face challenges in balancing career and family.
Societal expectations of having it all can be overwhelming and lead to a lack of confidence.
Pregnancy and postpartum experiences are often misunderstood and not adequately supported in the workplace.
Transitioning to freelance work can provide more flexibility and control over work-life balance.
Having male allies and supportive colleagues can make a significant difference in career opportunities.
The COVID-19 pandemic had both positive and negative impacts on work and family life. Lack of socialization can have a significant impact on children's development.
Treating people like adults and tailoring work arrangements to individual needs is key to creating an equitable workplace.
Open dialogue and collaboration are essential for creating a supportive and inclusive culture.
Redefining success as making a positive impact and leaving a legacy.
Growth should be focused on creating the right environment and organization, rather than pursuing growth at all costs.
Equity at home requires ongoing dialogue and sharing of responsibilities.

Friday Mar 29, 2024

In this conversation, I talk to Jesse Conflon, co-founder at Yay Startup Marketing, about her journey as a parent and entrepreneur. We discuss topics such as career expectations, challenges faced by the LGBTQIA+ community in parenthood, fertility treatment, and work-life balance. Jesse shares her experiences of running her own business while planning for parenthood and the importance of having a supportive partner. We also explore the division of labour in same-sex couples and the benefits of proactive and equitable parenting. In this conversation, Jessy shares her experience with postpartum depression and how she realized what was happening. She discusses the challenges she faced in the early weeks of motherhood and the impact it had on her mental health. Jessy also talks about how she managed to find balance between her career and parenthood, including going back to work and seeking therapy. Finally, she shares her thoughts on how organizations and society can reduce barriers for women, including acknowledging the hormonal changes women experience, providing support for fertility treatments, and creating policies that support pregnant employees.
Career goals and aspirations may change as life circumstances evolve, and it's important to be open to new opportunities.
The LGBTQIA+ community faces unique challenges when it comes to parenthood, including limited access to fertility treatments and unequal treatment compared to heterosexual couples.
Starting a business while planning for parenthood requires careful consideration of work-life balance and the need for flexibility.
Postpartum depression can be challenging to recognize, but it's important to seek help if you're experiencing symptoms.
Finding balance as a working mum can be difficult, but it's important to prioritize self-care and seek support when needed.
Organizations and society can reduce barriers for women by acknowledging the hormonal changes women experience, providing support for fertility treatments, and creating policies that support pregnant employees.
It's important to create a supportive and understanding work environment that allows women to be their authentic selves and navigate the challenges of motherhood.
You can find out more about Jessy's business here: https://yaystarter.com/

Sunday Mar 17, 2024

In this episode I talk to tech founder and CEO of XigXag, Kelli Fairbrother. Kelli is a force of nature; her trailblazing personality, passion and intelligence just burst out of this episode and it was really fun to record. Kelli shares her journey from her ambitions as a young adult to her experiences in the army and at McKinsey. She discusses the challenges and expectations of motherhood and the decision to leave her corporate job to found her own tech business. Kelly also introduces XigXag, an audiobook platform that aims to make books more accessible with offers a unique listen and read experience and innovative pricing structure. Kelli also shares her approach to achieving equity at home and the benefits of having a progressive relationship. She highlights the need for more women to be represented in all levels of organisations and society, to remove barriers for women and underrepresented groups. Kelli encourages individuals to stand up, take on leadership roles, and work towards a more inclusive society.
Balancing work and motherhood requires setting boundaries and prioritizing tasks
Working moms are efficient, multitasking, and highly capable of delivering results
The transition from a corporate job to entrepreneurship can provide more control over work-life balance
XigXag is a digital book platform that offers a unique listen and read experience, making books more accessible and sustainable. Encourage reading by providing access to a variety of books
Choose your own team to align incentives and find fulfillment
Achieve equity at home by dividing labour and promoting independence
Increase representation of women and underrepresented groups in positions of authority

Monday Mar 04, 2024

In this episode Helen Cammack shares her fascinating story, which synthesises her Oxford PPE intelligence, corporate experience and adoption experience to create the Preparental financial modelling tool. Its one of those things that, when you hear about it you can't believe it doesn't already exist.
Having open and honest conversations with your partner about your desires and concerns regarding parenthood is crucial in making a decision.
Planning and preparation can help alleviate anxieties and fears about becoming a parent.
There is a lack of resources and support for individuals and couples who are considering parenthood, particularly in terms of career planning, financial planning, and childcare options.
Reducing barriers for women in the workplace, such as implementing flexible working arrangements, can support their decision to become parents and maintain a healthy work-life balance.

Monday Feb 19, 2024

In this episode of the Miracle Working Mums podcast I chat to Lucy Heavens about whether there is ever a 'right time' to have kids and the differences she experienced of being a teen mum versus a mum a second time twelve years later. Lucy is VP of Marketing at Salv and a mother of two. She discusses the support she received from a young mums group and the importance of inclusion. Lucy also talks about her career progression and the pressure she felt to conform to societal expectations. She reflects on the struggles and pressure she experienced with her second child and the impact of information overload on parenting decisions. In this conversation, Lucy emphasizes the importance of building employee wellness and benefits around the specific needs of parents. Lucy also highlights the value of lived experience and the benefits of having individuals with diverse backgrounds and perspectives involved in decision-making processes.
Support and inclusion are crucial for young mums to navigate the challenges of motherhood.
Societal expectations and judgment can impact a young mum's self-esteem and sense of identity.
Curiosity and asking for help are essential for personal and professional growth.
There is no one-size-fits-all approach to parenting, and it's important to trust your instincts and do what feels right for you and your family. Personalized support is crucial for working parents, as each individual and family has unique needs and circumstances.
Building employee wellness and benefits around the specific needs of parents can greatly enhance their experience in the workplace.
Including individuals with lived experience in decision-making processes can lead to more effective and inclusive support for parents.
Listening to employees and asking them what they want is essential for providing meaningful support and addressing their needs.
Organizations should strive to remove barriers for working parents and create an equitable environment that supports their professional and personal lives.
Having a support network in place is important for working parents, as it provides emotional and practical assistance during challenging times.

Friday Feb 02, 2024

Helena Rivers, Net Zero Leader at AECOM for Europe and India, discusses her career as an engineer and the challenges of balancing work and family life. She shares her experiences of being a woman in a male-dominated industry and the barriers women face in engineering. Helena also talks about the importance of support and attitudes in the workplace, as well as the impact of career choices on family life. She emphasizes the need for patience and allyship in creating a more inclusive and supportive environment for women in engineering.
Women in engineering face barriers and biases in a male-dominated industry.
Supportive attitudes and policies in the workplace are crucial for women balancing career and family.
Career choices can have a significant impact on family life, and trade-offs may be necessary.
Patience and allyship are essential in creating a more inclusive and supportive environment for women in engineering.

Friday Jan 19, 2024

Nicky Lowe, an executive coach and founder of Luminate Group and Wisdom for Working Mums, shares her journey of balancing career and motherhood. She discusses her early career expectations and the challenges she faced in the corporate world. Nicky also talks about the lack of role models and support for working mothers in her industry. She shares her experience of dealing with adrenal fatigue and how it led her to prioritize her health and well-being. Nicky emphasizes the importance of mindset and self-care in navigating the challenges of motherhood and career. The conversation explores the challenges and opportunities for working mothers, emphasizing the need to shift from a mule mentality to adding value and recognizing the power of female energy in the workplace. It also highlights the importance of supporting women's wellbeing needs and creating equity in relationships and parenting. The conversation concludes by discussing the need for improved support systems for working mothers.
Some key takeaways:
Balancing career and motherhood requires a mindset shift and a focus on self-care.
Lack of role models and support for working mothers can make it challenging to navigate the corporate world.
Prioritizing physical and mental well-being is crucial for long-term success and happiness.
Building a support network and setting boundaries are essential for managing work and family responsibilities. Shifting from a mule mentality to adding value is crucial for career progression.
Embracing female energy in the workplace is essential for creating a more inclusive and diverse workforce.
Recognizing and supporting women's wellbeing needs is necessary for a healthy work-life balance.
Creating equity in relationships and parenting requires open communication and shared responsibilities.
Improving support systems for working mothers is crucial for their success and overall wellbeing.

Friday Jan 05, 2024

In this episode, Tony Darwall, a compliance consultant and Head of London Markets at ICS, shares his experience as a father and how he balances his career and family life. He discusses his career progression in the insurance industry and how he unexpectedly became a dad at the age of 30. Tony emphasizes the importance of being involved in parenting and breaking down gender stereotypes (Tony was the OG TW&T). He also talks about the challenges and rewards of being a blended family and the changing dynamics as his children grow older. Tony believes that organizations should recognize dads as equal partners in parenting and support their involvement. He concludes by discussing the meaning of fatherhood and the joy he finds in being a dad. The highlight for me though was the secret to the perfect risotto.

Tuesday Dec 19, 2023

In this conversation, Fiona, a Managing Director and Independent Non-Executive Director, discusses her experience as a working mother. She shares insights into her career path, the importance of role models, and the challenges of balancing work and family life. Fiona also reflects on attitudes towards pregnant women in the workplace and the changing role of fathers. She highlights the need for flexible parental leave options and the impact of parenting decisions such as having a nanny and choosing whether to breastfeed on returning to work. In this conversation, Fiona discusses various aspects of parenting, decision-making, vulnerability, and work-life balance. She emphasizes the importance of personal choice in parenting and advises that you are best placed to make decisions about your own family and that once a decision is made, be confident in sticking to it and ignore perceived judgment from others. She also reflects on the vulnerability experienced when returning to work after maternity leave and the need for support and understanding in the workplace. Fiona shares her experience of taking a role abroad and the challenges and rewards it brings to her family. Finally, she highlights the importance of appreciating individuals for their unique contributions and avoiding assumptions based on personal experiences.
Key takeaways
The transition to parenthood is a unique journey for each individual, and there is no one-size-fits-all approach.
Having a supportive network, including family and role models, can greatly influence a person's experience as a working parent.
Attitudes towards pregnant women in the workplace have evolved, but there is still progress to be made in achieving gender equality and eliminating judgment.
The role of fathers in parenting has become more prominent, with many dads taking on supportive and involved roles.
Flexible parental leave options can benefit both parents and children, allowing for a better work-life balance. Parenting is a personal choice, and there is no right or wrong approach. It is important to respect and support each other's decisions.
Returning to work after maternity leave can make individuals feel vulnerable. It is crucial for employers and colleagues to be understanding and provide support.
Taking on new challenges, such as working abroad, can be a rewarding experience for both individuals and their families. It requires open communication and a willingness to adapt.
Appreciating individuals for their unique contributions and avoiding assumptions based on personal experiences is essential for creating an inclusive and supportive work environment.
00:00 Introduction and Family Dynamics
02:33 Career Path and Parenthood
09:30 Transitioning to Parenthood
11:48 Maternity Leave and Returning to Work
18:14 The Importance of Role Models
23:01 Attitudes Towards Pregnant Women in the Workplace
29:18 Supportive Family and Role Models
37:53 The Changing Role of Dads
42:08 Flexible Parental Leave
43:08 Challenges of Breastfeeding and Returning to Work
44:17 Different Approaches to Parenting
45:18 Limited Reading and Personal Parenting Advice
46:15 Vulnerability and Decision-Making
48:21 Self-Doubt and Delegating Responsibilities
50:31 Taking a Role Abroad
52:34 Balancing Work and Family Life
56:17 Appreciating Individuals and Avoiding Assumptions

Friday Dec 08, 2023

Today I share the story of Louise Cornish, who is the mum of two young boys and a fitness coach specialising in postpartum fitness. Louise studied Economics at Oxford and dabbled with career options in investment banking, where even as an intern she experienced some of the misogyny which is often associated with the industry. Louise has a really interesting career journey which combines her strengths and passions of your more typical "work skills" with a passion for being active. Louise decided to make the plunge and launch her own business after her mat leave following her second son in 2018 when her employer was unable to agree a flexible working arrangement for her so she could work from home one day per week. Yes you read that right, just five years ago, career choices were limited if you wanted to have the flexibility to work from home even just once a week. You just have to listen; Louise is enthusiastic and engaging and if you would like to know more about post-partum fitness you can find out more on instagram @louisecornishfitness or https://louisecornishfitness.com/

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