MASTER ORGANIZED MOTHERHOOD | Home Organization, Daily Routines, Time Management, Cleaning, Decluttering

Do you get excited about new planners and organization tools but can’t figure out how to be consistent with planning your week? Wish you had a peaceful, clutter-free home, but you’re buried in piles of laundry and toys that are overflowing from every corner of your home? Wondering how to effectively communicate your plans with your spouse and family, instead of constantly putting out fires? Would you like to create simple systems for your home but don’t know where to start? Hey there Momma! I am really excited you are here! This podcast will help you create peace in your home with less clutter, better systems, more routines, and the consistency to stay organized. Hey! I’m Amy, a wife, and work from home mom of four littles. We are navigating life as a family on a busy farm with very unpredictable schedules. For years, I thought that an organized home meant perfectly clean, and pinterest perfect at ALL times. Which was impossible with little kids and a farming family. I spent ALL my time cleaning. I’d get upset with my husband and toddlers when they left a mess everywhere I looked. I tried every tip for cleaning and organizing, only to fall off track again and feel like a failure. I let my home dictate how successful and productive I felt, only to end up more stressed out and overwhelmed. Finally, I came to realize that in order to become the organized Mom I wanted to be, I had to start with organizing myself. So, I developed a simple framework that focuses on organization as the WHOLE picture. Creating sustainable habits, goals and systems that finally created the consistency I could actually attain. I am so excited to share it with you! If you are ready to finally get that peaceful home atmosphere you’ve always wanted... > Want a clutter-free, tidy home that’s easy to maintain > Simple Systems for home management that the family can help with > Flexible personal life organization strategies to create the consistency you desire > Intentional planning tips so you can rest assured you did what was needed Then this is the podcast for you! So go ahead and reach for your special snacks from the top shelf, brew some coffee and hide in your closet. It’s time to fill your cup Momma, let’s learn! Connect With Me! Visit the blog > Follow me on Pinterest > Email me >

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3 days ago

Welcome back to the show my Friend!
I have a very special episode for you today! The very first guest on the show, and an expert in her field. We had a wonderful conversation that I can't wait to share with you today!Have you found yourself acting In a way you did not mean too, simply because you where feeling overwhelmed and stressed out In a hard moment? You have a deadline to meet, everything In your mind Is piled a mile high and suddenly the kids are throwing every excuse they can at you as you are trying to herd them out the door. Thinking to yourself "why can't they just hurry up this morning, I have so much to do!"
Suddenly you are speaking more loudly and angrily than you mean too, and the situation escalates. Which then has to be de-escalated before you can successfully get out the door...and now you are late!
We have all been there, whether It Is to get to an appointment or knock something off that to-do list. Believe It or not, the way we behave Is actually the starting ground for being more productive, present and ultimately getting more done.
With that, I am thrilled to welcome my friend, and very first guest to the show, Charlotte Haggie.
Charlotte is a personal trainer, health and wellbeing coach and mum of two small children who runs her own coaching company helping working mums emotionally self-regulate so that they can be more present and productive and do more of what brings them joy.
In this episode today, she will share...
How being CALM Is essential for managing your time well, getting more done and being present In each task you are performing. Whether that Is a work task, or the task of Interacting with your kids. She shares with you insights and tips for creating a sense of calm for yourself. Along with how to recognize the deeper aspects of our physiologial responses to stress and the environment around us.JOIN CHARLOTTE at her FREE Workshop airing on July 2nd, 2024 by visiting
Connect with Charlotte...The Managing Mum PodcastTake Back Your Time Workshop -'s FB Community -

5 days ago

Welcome back to the show my Friend!
Are you finding yourself in a constant state of disarray when trying to maintain your home and care for your family?
Overwhelmed by HOW to create lasting organization In your home and life?
Let's learn how to create the essential foundations we need to have In place In order to enjoy a more peaceful home atmosphere that still has order.
Whether you're a new mom or a seasoned mother, every step you take towards a more organized life is worthwhile.
You're doing a remarkable job juggling family life and home organization, and I look forward to supporting you in your process of becoming the organized mother you aspire to be.
In this episode today, we will talk about...
Let's take a few steps back to the beginning and explore the foundations of everything this podcast and what I teach Is based on...the Mommin'3 Method Framework ™.
This framework acknowledges that the journey towards being more organized Is difficult. Compounded by juggling life with little kids In the home It can feel Impossible at times.
But by taking purposeful action through the fundamental steps of this framework, you will experience a transformation Into a more peaceful and organized life.
Step 1 - We organize ourselves
Step 2 - We Implement family systems that support everyone In the home
Step 3 - We work together as a cohesive family unit towards organizing the 'stuff' and physical spaces In our home
Next Steps for You...
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Friday May 24, 2024

Welcome back to Fun Friday's!
Have you ever arrived home from the store, SO excited about the new winter coat you just scored on sale. As you're telling your husband, "Look how cute it is! It was only 20 bucks!"
He says, "doesn't she have a new winter coat already..?" Indeed, he is right! You totally forgot that you had already purchased a coat and now have to go to the hassle of returning it.
I don't know about you, but with so many kids in the house I have a hard time keeping track of what clothes and shoes we have at any given time. Specifically outdoor wear as those items tend to be the most expensive and are passed down from kid to kid.
Have you ever considered keeping track an actual inventory list of the coats, boots, mittens, snow pants, all those things you have. So you know at a glance before the start of ever new season if you need to be buying some larger sizes.
Or when you are at the store to help talk yourself OUT of purchasing that coat you don't need because you can easily see from your list that you already have a winter coat in that exact same size at home...just a slightly different style.
Well friend, I have tips for you today to help you tackle this project for yourself so you never have to wonder again.
In this episode today, we will talk about...
The three steps you can follow to create your own simple inventory list, to help you know EXACTLY what outdoor wear you already have. As well as knowing exactly what size you need for the following season.
By creating an inventory list of your children's outdoor clothing and shoes it benefits you by...
1. Preventing over-buying of items you do not need
2. Knowing exactly WHEN to take advantage of good deals and sales at the change of seasons so you are prepared with the right size of coats, shoes etc for the following season
3. Have a better idea of what articles of clothing you can pass on to siblings or friends and family
Next Steps for You...
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Wednesday May 22, 2024

Welcome back to the show momma!
Is it finally time to switch your kids closets over for the coming season?I dove deep into the process of switching the kids closets over for Spring at the end of April as part of my Spring Cleaning Deep Cleaning process.
The funny thing is, in typical Canadian weather fashion, it snowed the next day I did this!
Doing a seasonal clothing closet swap is a big job, no matter how many kids you have. It can be something that you put off and procrastinate about.
To help you make sure this task does not feel overwhelming this time, I wanted to share with you some tips to organize a kids closet for the next season.
In this episode today, we will talk about...
I have 5 tips for you to implement to make it easier to organize a kids closet, every time you have a seasonal clothing change over to do!
So grab a notebook or take some notes on your phone so you have this information for next time.
4 // No More Sticky Notes - 5 Lists to Keep You Organized on Your Phone as a Busy Mom
Background noise courtesy of my kids playing play-doh in the dining room
Next Steps for You...
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Friday May 17, 2024

Welcome back to the show my Friend!
As promised in our episode from Wednesday (35 // Habit Tracking Apps? The Step by Step Plan to Help You Decide if You Should Use One) you are going to get full review of a popular an affordable habit tracking app for your phone.
So, if you have decided to pursue using a habit tracking app after walking through the 5 step plan in Episode 35, then this episode is the perfect next step for you!
In this episode today, we will talk about...
We will be doing a full review of the app "Awesome Habits."
I will give you
Cost / Popularity
Style / Appearance
Overall thoughts
Next Steps for You...
I hope you enjoy this episode friend!
Can't wait to chat with you again next Wednesday!
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Wednesday May 15, 2024

Welcome back to the show my Friend!
Ever told yourself you are going to create a healthy habit for yourself around drinking half your weight in ounces of water every day...while also promising you are going to eat all your veggies, stop going to bed so late AND spend more time nurturing your relationships. AND 5 other things!
I have! Hands way up over here. We set out with good intentions around creating healthy habits and breaking bad ones. Without having a solid game plan for HOW to actually keep track of these habits in a way that works for our unique lives, goals and planning style.
In this episode today, we will talk about...
A 5 step plan to walk you through the exact process of deciding if a habit tracking app is the right way for you to work on your daily, weekly, or monthly habits.
I want to help you make this decision intentionally, to ensure you are not over-complicating! Because as a busy mom you do not need more overwhelm in your life. You need an easy way of working towards building your habits every day.
So come listen in to the step by step plan to help you decide if a habit tracking app is right for you!
Next Steps for You...
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Friday May 10, 2024

Welcome to Fun Friday's!
Official name TBD :)
For the month of May, I am dropping some extra episodes into your favorite podcast player on Friday's with product reviews, quick tips and special guests. Today I have a product review for you! Listen in to get all the details of the popular IKEA Snurrad Turntable for organizing your fridge.
In this episode today, we will talk about...
How long I have been using my IKEA Snurrad Lazy Susan for
How much you can store on this large turntable for the fridge
Sizing and fit considerations to help you decide if it is right for you
Brief overview of how it works
Discuss if it can be used elsewhere in the home
We've got lots of great info to cover, so let's dive in!
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Wednesday May 08, 2024

Welcome back to the show my Friend!
Finding yourself frustrated by the clutter in your home most days, and feeling unsure of how to tackle what feels like such a huge project.
It feels like every day those piles of mail keep growing, the toys are always under foot, not too mention your camera roll is digitally bursting at the seams.
All this builds up over time if we don't deal with it regularly. Leaving us feeling more and more 'behind' with it all
Let's make decluttering simple and continue to work on progress over perfection by tackling some clutter in our home week after week.
In this episode today, we will talk about..
How you can make consistent, solid effort towards decluttering your home, in 15 minutes a week with my three simple step process.
Next Steps for You...
Let's keep the conversation going! Connect with me and ask any questions you may have about this topic today.
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Friday May 03, 2024

Welcome back to the show!
It's Friday! Before you head into the weekend I have a simple, easy tip for you in today's episode. I share a simple bathroom organization hack that has the potential to elevate your personal care routine!
I've been doing something lately that I am extremely proud of myself for, as it was a goal of mine for the new year to do this more.
Ironically, as I was reflecting on how much better I have been about this task lately, I came to realize something was helping me be more consistent with this task and I absolutely had to share it with you today!
In this episode today, we will talk about...
We will discuss a nifty organization hack using a Lazy Susan turntable in your bathroom cabinet for organizing your toiletries. This tip has helped me streamlines my daily morning and nighttime routines. Ensuring that I am more consistent in performing daily personal care habits.
I wanted to share this quick and easy tip with you today, in a fun BONUS episode.
Enjoy this episode and join me again on Wednesday for our regularly scheduled episode of the week.
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Wednesday May 01, 2024

Welcome back to the show my Friend!
First of all, we are celebrating a huge milestone together today, which would not have been possible without YOUR help!
We are celebrating reaching OVER 5.5K Podcast downloads to date, on this very show!
Join in on the celebration by joining the email list or the FB community so I can share a gift of thanks with you!
Okay, now onto today's episode!
The age-old question of whether or not multi-tasking is ACTUALLY adding to your productivity is still floating around.
Do I get more done when I multi-task or is this popular productivity hack actually setting me back by stealing my focus?
Well my friends, there is certainly a right and a wrong way to multi-task.
In this episode today, we will talk about...
Let's chat today about 2 key components of multitasking that will ensure that you have the information you need to make your own decision around this productivity hack.
We will cover
If multi-tasking is a good idea or not
Ways to make it work for you
Let's discus the right way to multitask and what tasks can be done together in order to maximize productivity and reduce overwhelm.
While acknowledging that multitasking can often be associated with stress and confusion. Yet, we can still be smart and intentional while multitasking.
I share some real-life examples and insight into how multitasking can be simple and doable without causing extra stress and lack of focus.
Let's Go!
Next Steps for You...
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