People Centric Podcast

The People Centric Podcast is hosted by People Centric Consulting Group. Our vision is to put people at the center of every organization. Our mission is to build healthy cultures where people are aligned and empowered. This show confronts work head-on to help you learn how to navigate difficulties, change cultures, and lead better. We want work to be more than just a ”J-O-B”. We want individuals, teams, and companies to be People Centric by creating cultures where people are aligned, empowered, and at the center of every decision.

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3 days ago

We have all heard "No" throughout our lives - from our parents, teachers, and bosses. We have probably all pitched a good idea, asked to update a process, asked for a raise or promotion and got rejected. And it is generally frustrating. Knowing that we are going to continue to have to say no and also accept no, how can we as both employees and leaders do no better. In this episode of the People Centric Podcast, the team discusses how to give and receive a no. 
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Episode187 Leading the Unleadable

Wednesday May 22, 2024

Wednesday May 22, 2024

As leaders, I am sure you have run into those people who just DO NOT want to be led. They resist everything, they aren't motivated, they don't seem to care about their jobs or the company, and they are simply just taking up space! We hate it when that happens! So, on this episode of the People Centric podcast we break down what you can do about it and how best to lead even the most unleadable people. Listen now! 
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Wednesday May 15, 2024

We hear from listeners all the time that they wish their colleagues had better email etiquette. When we ask them what they mean by that, we get everything from "complaints about reply all" to "grumbling about sending emails after business hours." But in this episode we leave those comments unread and talk about the real reasons your email communications are failing you. Listen now!
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Wednesday May 08, 2024

Just saying the words Performance Improvement Plan gives so many people the Ick. As an employee getting a PIP can feel punitive and scary. As a manager giving an employee a PIP can feel punitive and scary. On this episode of the People Centric Podcast, the team discusses the right way to give and receive a Performance Improvement Plan to stave off the Ick. Listen Now. 
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Wednesday May 01, 2024

Have you heard us use the phrase, "Great Managers Play Chess?" 
Well, today we are exploring and comparing the difficult task of managing people to the unique characteristics of the game of Chess. We will use our background of working with a variety of different teams to help paint a picture of effective leadership from which, we believe, everyone can benefit! What are some other ways or ideas we can use to compare with our work lives? Let us know!
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Episode 183 Team-Client-Community

Wednesday Apr 24, 2024

Wednesday Apr 24, 2024

Have you ever considered shifting priorities around to see if you get a more positive, overall outcome? Do you wonder if policies and accountability go hand-in-hand? In this episode, the People Centric Team shares some of their firsthand impacts, experiences, and outcomes that this shifting has had on them. Take a listen!
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Episode 182 The Perfect Storm

Wednesday Apr 17, 2024

Wednesday Apr 17, 2024

If you are a manager that is looking for talent, you may be thinking it doesn't exist!  The reality is that we are in the middle of what we are calling, The Perfect Storm.  Two things are happening at the same time and it is making work more difficult!  Boomers are retiring earlier than we anticipated and that leaves a significant experience gap on our teams.  Also, throw in the fact that there is a worker shortage and viola, chaos ensues.  But wait, there is hope! Listen as Don and Matt uncover some tips to help you ride this storm out and even achieve some pretty awesome things in the meantime. 
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Episode 181 Effective Listening

Wednesday Apr 10, 2024

Wednesday Apr 10, 2024

Hey! Listen Up! I am kidding, that is not how listening works. Listening is intentional. It is a practiced skill that is honed over time. And we are here to help you learn how to be a better listener and thus a better communicator! The People Centric Team has put together an episode for you that has some great tips for both being an effective listener and asking others to listen better. Listen now. Really, listen. 
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Wednesday Apr 03, 2024

Have you ever wondered how decisions to hire are made and how it is decided if you promote someone or hire an external candidate? Well, spoiler alert - sometimes it is never talked about beforehand. So, the People Centric team is here to talk through it for you! In this episode, we talk through why companies would choose to hire internally vs externally, how to prepare internal candidates for promotions or new roles, and the pros and cons of each type of hire. Listen Now. 
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Wednesday Mar 27, 2024

It is often looked down upon to have negative emotions at work. Emotions like frustration, regret, tension, or sadness can be misconstrued in many ways. It is generally accepted that at work you must be positive and bring solutions - but what if you are simply having a human moment and show that you are frustrated? Is this good? Can negative emotions be positive? In this episode, the People Centric team discusses negative emotions at work, how to recognize them, how to use them, and how to turn them into leadership moments. 
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